Sunday, November 28, 2021

Naughty November 2021 Start #4

It's finally time for the last ornament, the most colourful of the bunch. The ornaments again will eventually look like this:

 And Rachel and I are SAL'ing these, but Faith and Mary have joined in too with different starts. Check out Rachel's post to see their progress as well. 

This is the only pattern that is chronologically correct with the photo! And here is my small start:
Moonrise Ornament #4 by Whispered by the Wind
stitched 2 over 2 on 14ct Illusion by silkweavers
as charted DMC with RG blending filament in the moon

I managed to finish #3 as well, which is here:

It's so nice to have 3/4 complete and I'll likely finish #4 before I start working on my WIP finishing frenzy for the rest of the year. I have no plans really, so will probably try and catch up on the cryptid SAL from Witchy Stitcher and see how it goes from there. 

I hope you've all been staying well!

Happy Stitching,


Monday, November 22, 2021

Naughty November 2021 Start #3

My post is a bit late today, but I didn't forget! Although I think it is tomorrow for Rachel. :) Make sure to check her post for her start and Faith's as well. 

I didn't get time to post about this last week, but I did manage to finish the 2nd ornament as well:
Moonrise ornament #2 by Whispered by the Wind
stitched 2 over 2 on 14ct Illusion by Silkweavers
with DMC as charted and C3799 Etoile on the fence 
and Rainbow gallery blending filament with 168 on the moon

I think I forgot to use Blanc etoile on the rest of the moon this time, but it was a really busy week, so I'm not letting myself get annoyed about it. 

I think I did the same thing with ornament 3 as well, and got a great start on it!

This will eventually look like the second one in the following photo:

Moonrise ornament #3 by Whispered by the Wind
stitched 2 over 2 on 14ct Illusion aida by Silkweavers
with DMC as charted besides RG blending filament with DMC 168 for the moon

I've been enjoying this one and fortunately don't mind back stitch because there's a lot of it in this one. I was thinking after I finished that maybe I should have used Etoile for the roofs, but I did not think of it at the time. I'm okay with how it looks. 

Only one more weekend to go! I hope you've been having fun if you've joined in in some way. 

Stay well and Happy Stitching!


Monday, November 15, 2021

Naughty November 2021 Start #2

Hello, hello! Has everyone had a good stitchy weekend? Did anyone else have a new start to join Rachel and I in our stitchnanigans?  I managed to get some progress on the next ornament in the series we're working on, although not quite as much stitching as last weekend. I think if I'd managed 900 stitches I might have even finished this one. There's a lot of separate stitching versus block stitching on this one. 

As a reminder, we're working on these designs from Whispered by the Wind:

This week it's the first one, the cat and the fence and I made it this far:
Moonrise Ornament #2 by WBTW
stitched on 14 ct Illusion Aida by Silkweavers
as charted except DMC C3799 Etoile for the fence

Rachel and I started on different areas for this one, so you can kind of see different areas stitched up. I think another day might finish this one, so if I'm lucky in my tasks today, I'll get it finished. 

I hope you're all staying safe and enjoying some relaxing stitching when you can. 

Happy Stitching!


Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Naughty November 2021 Finish #1

I managed to get another day and a bit to work on the first WBTW Moonrise ornament and have a finish!
Moonrise #1 by Whispered by the Wind
stitched 2 over 2 as charted except the moon
moon was stitched with 2 strands blanc Etoile, 1 strand DMC 168 and 1 strand RG blending filament on 14ct Illusion by Silkweavers

This was a fun little stitch and gives me a couple days to work on something else before starting the second ornament this weekend. 

I hope you're all having an enjoyable week and staying well. Happy Stitching!


Monday, November 8, 2021

Naughty November 2021 Start #1

It's November! That means time for a few more new starts before the holiday stitching kicks in, or the race to finish WIPs by the end of the year. However you stitch, if you're interested in joining Rachel's and my insanity, she's got a link-up widget on her blog. Her first post is up as well, so you can see her great new start. 

We did discuss what we were thinking of starting and we had 1 of the same patterns for March next year. It turns out I was able to get Moonrise before the start of November, so we're working on the same project for Naughty November. We even managed to both work on the same one this weekend. :) 

The four small projects will eventually look like this:

Interestingly, the first pattern in the packet is the 3rd one in the above photo. Here's my start:
Moonrise #1 by Whispered by the Wind
stitched 2 over 1 on 14ct Illusion by Silkweavers
with DMC as charted and Etoile for the moon

Rachel got me interested in stitching both this set, Moonrise, and the other set, Moonset, which I already had. And 2 days of stitching, which was about 900 stitches, is almost a finish. One more day might do it since it's just the moon, filling in the gravestone, backstitching the crows and a little bit more of the upper branch. 

I hope if you decide to join in or not, you've had a good stitching weekend!

Stay well and happy stitching,


February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...