Monday, November 15, 2021

Naughty November 2021 Start #2

Hello, hello! Has everyone had a good stitchy weekend? Did anyone else have a new start to join Rachel and I in our stitchnanigans?  I managed to get some progress on the next ornament in the series we're working on, although not quite as much stitching as last weekend. I think if I'd managed 900 stitches I might have even finished this one. There's a lot of separate stitching versus block stitching on this one. 

As a reminder, we're working on these designs from Whispered by the Wind:

This week it's the first one, the cat and the fence and I made it this far:
Moonrise Ornament #2 by WBTW
stitched on 14 ct Illusion Aida by Silkweavers
as charted except DMC C3799 Etoile for the fence

Rachel and I started on different areas for this one, so you can kind of see different areas stitched up. I think another day might finish this one, so if I'm lucky in my tasks today, I'll get it finished. 

I hope you're all staying safe and enjoying some relaxing stitching when you can. 

Happy Stitching!



  1. Tiffstitch: Nice progress on Moonrise.


  2. Me, Me, I joined you guys!! That is nice to stitch the same designs and the stitching does look so different because if where you each started them.

    1. I'm so glad you joined in too! And isn't it funny how different they look just from the starts?

  3. Another great design, I think this is my favourite of the four.

    1. It is quite fun to stitch, it might be mine as well.

  4. That's a pretty one! I haven't managed any November starts yet but need to get onto some ornaments soon.

  5. Love the headless cat! Thanks for keeping me company. Wonder if you'll also finish this one before I finish mine? :)

    1. Survey says.... :) That's from Family Feud over here, and I love how each looks so different depending on the starting point.


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...