Sunday, August 16, 2015

IHSW the Conclusion - August Edition

It happened, a finish!

A couple close-ups of Dog Lessons:

I reversed the colours on this. It's charted as white with blue stripes, but I thought blue with white striped tied in a little better to the paws in the title. 

I'm so happy my modifications worked out and this looks like a basset. I wasn't confident in my ability to modify LK's great charting. 

This means 15/30 of my Crazy January Challenge projects are complete! That's a huge milestone for me. Because I also signed up to Debbie's Ultimate Crazy January Challenge I have 15 more projects to work on. Not to mention the new starts. 

Box of Delights is next up. I left it here last:

and I'll be finishing it before I start my new start - Princess and the Dragon from Charting Creations. 

I hope everyone had a great IHSW and don't forget to check everyone's progress here.

Happy Stitching,



  1. Congrats on the great finish Tiffany.


  2. beautiful finish ♥

  3. Congrats on the cute finish!!:) Box of delights looks great!!

  4. Well done on getting this finishes. It looks amazing.

  5. beautiful finish
    congrats on finishing 15 of the 30 thats a mile stone for nearly everyone i think :)
    love your box of delights

    1. Thank you, and yes, it feels good to get that far. It was my goal for the year, so I'm already there!

  6. That's a crazy number of starts! Well-done on your finishes. On the other hand, I suppose I should count my long-ago never-finished starts....

    1. Some were WIPs/UFOs like this one. The Crazy January Challenge allowed WIPs this year, so that helped.

  7. Congrats! At least you got some major work done! I slacked off on vacation planning!

    1. Considering how frustrating that's been I don't think I'd call it slacking off!

  8. Hooray hooray another finish! Are you feeling like you're on a roll now? :D And thanks for the link, I need more things to wish I had more time for haha. That Raging Raptor made me lol.

    1. Somewhat on a roll yes, it does feel like I'm accomplishing a lot and that feels great.

  9. Great finish! Obviously a very successful IHSW for you.

  10. You have had so many finishes this year already that I am just amazed. I really like the Box of Delights, and can't wait to see that growing again :) But what will you stitch after that? Oh wait...the princess and the dragon...Ooh! Can't wait for that :)


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