Wednesday, August 12, 2015

WIP Wednesday and IHSW

Joyce over at Random Ramblings is progressing beautifully on her Serengeti Chatelaine Mandala and she's hosting IHSW this weekend and next! I definitely agree that we should take advantage of 5 weekends in a month to make 2 of them IHSW. Especially since I have to work this weekend so there won't be as much hermitting and stitching as there will be next weekend. 

I'm hoping by the end of the second hermit-and-stitch weekend I can finish my 2 current WIPs, Dog Lessons and Box of Delights.

Dog Lessons is moving along well and I managed to sub WDW Grasshopper for the WDW Moss. I don't think I can really tell much difference between them. 

I am using the loop start and stitching continuously instead of one stitch at a time, so that might be helping it blend better. 

My next new start is calling to me, but I will resist until I finish these 2. If I can stick to finish 2 before I start 1 then maybe in several years I'll finish all of my UFOs. :)

Happy Stitching,



Thanks for any comments!

February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...