Monday, August 31, 2015

New Start - Princess and the Dragon - EDIT

I did it! Another new start. I'm happy I stuck with my goal of finishing 2 more projects before I started this one. This is after 3 days of stitching:
EDIT - 1 over 1 DMC 310 on 28 count Jazlyn in colour Amarinthine by Chromatic Alchemy

I'm starting in the middle on this one because I'm paranoid I'll miscount on my fabric like I almost did on Dog Lessons. This is the start of the dragon and one paw. I plan on stitching one page at a time-ish. 

By that I mean I'll extend bits that don't fit on the page, like a few of his fingers on the top claw that isn't stitched yet, and his spikes extend across a few pages. I've already extended his neck out to the end instead of stopping at the page break. 

I hope to get about one page done per week. This week might take a little longer because I've come down with either bad allergies or a cold. 

Happy Stitching everyone!



  1. Great progress!! I start from the centre as well but moving left right and top bottom is sometimes irritating. I have a tendency to stitch mostly colorwise so I make mistakes counting the adjacent stitches

    1. Thanks! Fortunately this one is all black, so I don't have to worry about colour changes. I do prefer to move left to right, so I'm debating about how I'm going to continue after this page. Maybe go down after this page and work to my left, then work in columns to the right?

  2. This looks like an interesting design. Is it all black? The fabric is gorgeous.

    1. Yes, it's a silhouette from Charting Creations. I love the fabric too! I edited my post to include the details.

  3. Wonderful progress on this already, love the fabric you chose. Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling too well, hope you are on the road to recovery soon.

  4. That is absolutely gorgeous material! That silhouette design is going to look amazing on it!

  5. You're off to a great start. Black on that fabric is going to be gorgeous.

  6. nice start, beautiful fabric

  7. No surprise that I adore that fabric :)!

  8. This is going to look great on that fabric! All the solid colors will probably be relaxing to stitch too.


Thanks for any comments!

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