Monday, August 10, 2015

Turtle Trot - August Edition

It's Turtle Trot time again! I've heard nothing from our host, Claudette of BAP Attack, and I hope all is well and she's just taking a break. The goal is to work on 10 big projects throughout the year so that they progress somewhat. I decided to use Turtle Trot to focus on projects that I hoped to finish and I've been doing well. Check out my Turtle Trot tab for everything that has been finished so far. 

On to the projects that I worked on this month:

4. The Good Life is finished!

14. Midnight Manor is finished!
Glow in the dark photo:

15. Butterfly Quote got a little love from here:
to here:

and 2. Dog Lessons is almost complete as well:

and I need to add 1 more project to my list of 10 WIPs for Turtle Trot:

Song of the Weather afghan:

I might complete 2 more TT projects this year which would mean my 10 for next year are already selected. I like the idea of adding more WIPs as I finish the 10 I started with and I hope to see Claudette back online soon, or hear she's doing okay. 

Happy Stitching,



  1. Wonderful progress on all your Turtle Trot pieces, Tiffany, and congrats on the fabulous finishes! You're better than me; I've dropped this SAL for now. Yes, I'm with you; I hope Claudette is just taking a break, and I hope to hear from her soon.

    1. Thank you! I wanted to stick with it all year because I dropped out the first year she had it. So I'll stick with it even if she's not currently online.

  2. Lovely finishes and progress Tiffany.


  3. Great progress! I always seem to be too late to sign up for the various challenges...I've got to try harder next year!

  4. that puppy is so cute, great work !

  5. Great progress on your TT pieces and you managed great finishes too :)

  6. Wonderful progress, and I love both your finishes! I especially love the glow in the dark shot. I just got some of that floss and can't wait to use it!

    1. It is really fun. The photos don't do it justice.

  7. Two great finishes, excellent progress on two more. You're doing really well.

  8. Oh my goodness you have been busy! Conrats on your finishes!!


Thanks for any comments!

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