Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Top 5 Tuesday: Top 5 Water-themed Charts

Hello everyone and thank you for all your wonderful comments! It's been a hectic week again, ending with a very sick DD over the weekend and yesterday, so not much stitching has been done and even worse, no photos! I will try and remedy that tonight so I have a post tomorrow for WIP Wednesday, and talk more about my March Madness plans. 

Today is Tuesday though, so it means it's Top 5 Tuesday! Hosted by the lovely Kate and joined by Keebles and Emma and myself so far. If you feel up to it, join in over at Kate's blog


I'm going to skip the UTS SAL since Kate mentioned it and try and think of a few others. Off the top of my head I can't think of any stash I have that I haven't recently shown, so I think this will be one I'll dig through my wish list to find a few I'd like to stitch. 

1. Tribal Bathroom (White Willow Stitching)

I actually need to stitch this for my office because we have 5 doors right near the exit and although the exit door is pretty clearly marked, a lot of people head to the bathroom door by accident. I'd like to stitch this one in a brown/blue DMC coloris thread and that would fit with our decor pretty well. 

That's it for my wish list too, so let's search for "water" and see what we get!

2. Forest Stream (Kustom Krafts)

I think if I would stitch something like this I'd ask DH for one of his photos. If I was going to spend that amount of time on it, I'd like it to be something personal. 

3. Octopus Garden (Ink Circles)

I don't remember seeing this one before, but I really like it. It's a neat little design that lends itself well to using stash threads, as most Ink Circles projects do. 

4. Save Water (Lizzie Kate)

This is part of LK's green themed charts. Rachel, the Ten Hour Stitcher finished them all last year (I think) if you want to check out her blog

5. Water Essential (Marnic Designs)

Even though I can't drink coffee any more, I think this is a really fun chart. 

I hope you enjoyed the list and see you tomorrow I hope for an UTS SAL update!

Happy Stitching,



  1. Great idea for the sign for your bathroom at work. I think this would be a great one. Love reading these Tuesday posts. Thank you for sharing

  2. The bathroom one is fab. I couldn't think of any water charts in my stash.

  3. Great choices Tiffany. The bathroom one is my favorite.


    1. Thank you, and me too, although it's a little shoe-horned into the topic. :)

  4. I like the last one. Why can't you drink coffee?

  5. Great choices! The Kustom Kraft one is my favourite, stunning!!

  6. Lovely selection! Those themes are getting rather tricky, aren't they. I hope your DD is doing better!

    1. Thank you. She seemed a little better yesterday, but DH has it now. Fingers crossed I don't catch it!

  7. HA! I've been thinking about stitching a bathroom one for our work too, but more to do with "cleanliness" rather than identification!

  8. Love all Lizzie Kate charts and the Essential Water for this cup of coffee is really nice and funny. Thanks for sharing. xxx

  9. Great list. My fav is the Octopus Garden. Too cute!! Boy there is so much sickness going around. Hope your daughter gets better very quickly.

  10. Fun list! I really like Water Essential. I'm a coffee lover.

    1. Thank you! It's a neat chart and a good use of hand-dyed threads too.

  11. Get well wishes for your daughter.
    Love the little bathtub, that's sweet

  12. Wait, what, no mermaids?!
    But really, they're all great!


Thanks for any comments!

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