Friday, July 26, 2019

The Stitchy Quest for the One Ring, Quest 9

Hello again! Time keeps skipping ahead and here it is awhile since I've posted anything, included Gifted Gorgeousness. I'll try and catch up, but as we're moving office next week, it might not happen this month.

The eagle-eyed among you might notice that this is Quest 9, not Quest 8. Part of the reason I hadn't posted about Quest 8 for the LOTR/Hobbit group was that we were "fighting" the trolls. And part of how we fought them was an admin would roll a 20 sided die and whatever came up corresponded to the amount of time we had left of a 7 hour ordeal and how many stitches we needed to stitch as a whole group to get out of it. It was in multiples of 10,000 stitches among everyone, and sometimes we'd move on to the next section in a day, other times we'd have to stitch 30K stitches and that would take a few days. It was fun as you could stitch on anything and add in whatever you'd stitched without having to worry about before and after pics, just add in your totals to everyone else's numbers.

Eventually, Gandalf returned and the trolls turned to stone and we were free. That leads us to Quest 9, where we've discovered the cave full of treasure!

We have 4 tasks and are supposed to complete them by July 30th. My parents were also visiting this week, so not much time to stitch or post about anything. They had to leave for home today and although I'm working, I'm taking a moment to reach out to you as I've missed discussing these quests. What's fun about this group too, is if I don't finish everything by July 30th, then there's always a monthly catch-up event where you can finish off a task if you're so inclined. For each task we're supposed to stitch for 3 hours or for 300 stitches.

Task 1 - A cave full of treasure must have a key, so we're to stitch on anything relating to keys or caves or something hidden. - maybe Princess and the Dragon? There's a big cave that I'm still somewhat near.
Princess and the Dragon by Charting Creations
stitched 1 over 1 on 28 ct Amarinthine by Chromatic Alchemy

Task 2 - We found gold and jewels in the hoard, so stitch with metallics, gold/yellows or jewel tones. Not sure on this project yet.

Task 3 - Swords and knives - Gandalf and Thorin found swords and Bilbo found a dagger (Sting! although it's not named yet, but I've always loved that moment). Stitch on something with something sharp or words/letters because each blade they found had mysterious runes on them. - Princess and the Dragon has a sword, so that's another good choice for this one.

Task 4 - We couldn't carry all the treasure with us, so we decided to bury it for later retrieval. We need to stitch on something we've hoarded in our stash, special materials, fabric or a special chart, etc. I could use the Butterfly Quote with all hand-dyed threads maybe? Or there are other projects that would fit this description as well.

I hope you've all had a good couple weeks! Any ideas are always welcome.

Happy Stitching!



  1. Looking forward to seeing what you choose for your tasks and how much progress you make!

  2. The tasks, and the projects you've chosen, seem pretty straight-forward this week.
    For task 2 I immediately thought of LeMans with the yellow headlights but let's face it, any colour can be a jewel tone if you want it to be! You could even use the black on Princess for Onyx and, because you're not having to follow a complicated pattern, it might help you with catching up. :)

  3. Good luck with the office move.

  4. The troll battle was fun, but I was always longing to get back to regular 'homework style' stitching...and not that it's here, I'm feeling very uninspired and have a hard time finding projects that fit! I hope you're doing better.

  5. Good luck with your picks. Can't wait to see your progress.

  6. Oh the hand-dyed threads look great. Stitching 30K stitches sounds great in principle, but I'd struggle to do it! x

  7. Nice work, the Princess and the Dragon should fit most fantasy themed tasks!


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...