Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The Stitchy Quest for the One Ring: Quest 7 - A Most Mysterious Disappearance

We've progressed a little farther in The Hobbit, to where Bilbo has caught up with the dwarves and Dwalin has loaned him his green cloak and hood. Gandalf soon catches up with Bilbo's pipe and several pocket handkerchiefs. This cheers Bilbo up for a while, but soon the lack of 8 meals a day and the constant rain gets on everyone's nerves. And just as they'd like to find a place to camp, Gandalf disappears!

Task 1 - Stitch 150 stitches on something that has been gifted to you, fabric, floss, etc or 150 stitches in green. I don't think any of my current WIPs have any part that's been a gift, although if I have forgotten, please let me know. So I chose to stitch 150 stitches in green and got out Messy But Mine. Lots of green to be found here!

Last time:
153 stitches later:
Messy But Mine by Dragon Dreams
stitched 2 over 1 on 18ct Nimbus? by Chromatic Alchemy

Task 2 - for Gandalf's kindness in bringing Bilbo his handkerchiefs, we're supposed to stitch 150 stitches on something with fabric or clothing in it. I chose to pick up Full Moon as I was using that for a Magical Stitches task as well. It now looks like this:
Full Moon by Cute Patterns by Maria
stitched 2 over 2 as charted on 28 ct Lazurite by Chromatic Alchemy

Task 3 - Bilbo is really missing out on those typical extra meals Hobbits add to their daily regimen, second breakfast, elevenses, afternoon tea, etc. We need to stitch 150 stitches on a project with food in it. I chose See Ya Later Alligator, because some people eat those animals. :) Like sushi!
See Ya Later Alligator by Jodyri Designs
stitched 2 over 2 on 28ct Nuriel's Forest by Chromatic Alchemy with stash threads

Task 4 - this may be the easiest of all. We need to stitch 50 stitches on a project that something has disappeared, like you mislaid the thread, lost a needle, etc. This is pretty easy, so I may just plug 50 stitches into Princess and the Dragon as I've definitely lost needles with that project. I have found them again, but it meets the requirements. :)

This week's tasks are almost complete for LOTR, so I'll be able to concentrate on Magical Stitches and maybe get some extra credit done this time for Book 5.

Happy Stitching!



  1. Great project choices Tiffany.


  2. They seemed really quick and easy tasks compared to previous weeks. I giggled at your use of See Ya Later Alligator to represent meal times. I take it Hobbits aren't vegetarian then?! :)

  3. Fantastic work plugging your pieces in. Good luck finishing it up.

  4. Love Messy but Mine. That could have come under meals too as I am sure Dragons like to snack on Hobbits!

  5. Great choices! I actually lost track of tiem with this one. I checked in one project a few hours after the deadline (but hope it will still count) and need to put another one under catch up.


Thanks for any comments!

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