Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Top 10 Tuesdays: Top 10 Things To Look Forward to in 2016

Top 10 Tuesday time! Don't forget to check out our host Kate's blog and feel free to join in with Keebles and myself too. 

Top 10 Things to Look Forward to in 2016

1. Debbie's Ultimate Crazy January/February Challenge

This will be my first year attempting to work on a new project every day throughout January and February. Not all of my projects will be new, some will be WIPs, especially some leftover from this year, but I will attempt to work on something different every day. 

I'm not sure yet if I will post every day or try and do a few days in one post like Linda did last year. She's doing the 365 starts in 2016, so bookmark her blog to check out all her projects. 

2. New Equipment for the Office

We bought the practice over a year and a half ago now and it's time to update the equipment. Things have been going pretty well and fingers crossed they will continue that way. 

3. More Fun with DD

DD will be in her third year and will be ready for all kinds of new experiences this year. She's already getting used to having snow around, so that will be fun for a few months and I hope we get some good packing snow soon. It's not quite right yet, even today's snow is a little too powdery. 

4. Game Nights with Friends

My friends that had game nights through November and December are planning on having a few now and then in the new year, so I hope we can make it work with a visit from my parents and DH and I can both go. I went to a couple solo last year, which was still fun, but I think he was a little left out. 

5. Hockey

Now that I've been playing hockey more, I want to play more! It's a lot of fun and good exercise for me too. I've missed playing so much and my fitness level is finally getting to the point where I can use some of the skills I learned way back when. 

6. The big 4-0

I will be turning 40 next year and that's okay. I'm not worried about it and maybe we'll have a party or something. 

7. The big 4-0 for DH

We were both born in the same year, although I'm a few months older. :) I don't have any good ideas right now, and DH has made some of my big birthdays really special, so I need to figure out something soon. 

8. Teaching DD to skate

I don't know if it will be this next year I teach her to skate, but maybe? It would be fun and now that she can walk she can learn how to skate too!

9. New laptop

My laptop is dying a slow death and I've ordered a new one, but it won't arrive until 2016. :)

10. Bike trips

We all did a fair bit of biking last year, but I was certainly holding DH back a fair bit. I'm hoping with playing hockey all winter I'll be in better shape for this spring to fall seasons and we'll be able to go on longer trips. That might depend on DD as well though. 

Thanks for checking out my list and what are you looking forward to in 2016?



  1. Great list! Hope you have a fantastic 2016!

  2. It all sounds like great things to look forward to. Hope you get to enjoy them all.

  3. 40 was a lot easier than 30, you'll be great, especially with such fabulous goals!

  4. Great list Tiffany. Thanks for joining me in Debbie's challenge next year.


  5. Great list!! I am turning 40 in February 2016. And it's only me who keep talking about it at home and asking for a grand gift:) Which month is yours?

  6. Lots of things to look forward to, a great list and a good balance of everything! excited for you :)


Thanks for any comments!

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