Tuesday, August 31, 2021

2021 Tokyo Paralympics Stitching Challenge Start #8

Hello again! Have you ever tried archery? Have you seen the Paralympian archers? The archery competition is similar to able-bodied, in that it's elimination rounds. Archers use either a compound bow or a recurve bow and their targets are at 50m or 70m depending on the bow they use. There are different levels of ability and that affects what weight of bow the athletes can use. This video explains it all very well. I was very impressed by the lengths some athletes go to compete. 

As you just learned, archery has been around since the first Paralympic games, and the competition has only improved since then. Good luck to all the archers in this year's Paralympics!

For today's dragon, I had to skip ahead to September. A work issue came up and I didn't have time to work out spacing for August, so I jumped ahead to the next month. Maybe that's fitting since we're almost in September, but now I won't have worked on August in August! :) 

Here's what the dragon will look like eventually:

And I managed a small start:
Drake # 12 by StitchItPicasso
stitched 1 over 1 on 20ct Fairyland opalescent Aida by Silkweaver
with Oil and Smoke by Jodyri

I'm not sure the reason for the naming of this thread as it's a beautiful blue with grey and white. If you're thinking this doesn't seem like a very fall/autumn colour, you're right! But September is the month I get to choose whatever colour I want, so this is what I chose. I really loved this one when I was going through my threads. Don't forget to check which dragon Rachel is working on today!

I hope you're all staying healthy and having good stitching days. 

Happy Stitching!



  1. Archery is a fun sport to watch and to do, and I can see how it lends itself well to athletes with different levels of ability!

    1. It is amazing how so many people can compete with different levels of strengths.

  2. I suppose the colours sort of represent the smoke bellowing from a faulty exhaust, but those are certainly not as pretty as the thread itself! Great start! :)


Thanks for any comments!

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