Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Rough Day and WW Tribal Dragon Progress and a New Start in the Offing?

Last night was rough at work. I can't really describe the details, but my feelings of vulnerability are nothing compared to others. I needed to stitch something monochromatic and thoughtless and I had hoped to work on WW Tribal Basset, but it has disappeared since I cleaned my stitching off of the guest bed when my parents visited. 14 count and black seemed to fit what I needed. 

However, when it didn't turn up I chose WW Tribal Dragon, another soothing monochromatic, even if it's on 25 count Lugana. 

This is where I left off in January:

And I managed to finish off the second blue area and start on the last dark blue section. 

I'm still feeling off after a night of not-enough sleep, so I may continue on with this one, or WW Basset if I can find it. 14 count stitching would be easier than 25 count, but I am happy to progress on this one and am still hopeful for a finish this year. 

In happier news I joined a new group on Facebook for Liz Almond's Box of Delights and I plan to start after I have 10 finishes. That seems like a good reward. :)

I think I'll use the fabric that I won in a recent giveaway on Chromatic Alchemy's Facebook page. If you haven't seen her amazing fabrics yet, check it out! She has a variety of fabrics and some outstanding colours. 

Thinking of a new start has already helped ease some of the rawness; as if I needed any more proof I have startitis...

Happy Stitching all,



  1. I'm sorry for your rough night, Tiffany :-( I hope things resolve soon. I'm glad you found some solace in stitching; working on a monochromatic project always helps me de-stress. Take care.

    1. Thank you. And yes, better now. It's more empathetic pain than my own personal pain if that makes sense? Definitely monochromes are soothing.

  2. Sorry about the work stress. Hope it gets better quickly. Love your project! Hope you can find your other piece.

    1. Thanks, already somewhat better and I did! :) Which you know now too.


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...