Monday, May 25, 2015

30 Day Challenges Day 11 - 10 Blogs I Follow

Happy Memorial Day to those of us in the U.S.A. and thanks for joining Kate and I to check out another day of lists. I'm going to mention a few of my favourite blogs today. My blogging time is somewhat limited, so I tend to spend as much time as I can on stitching blogs. This list isn't all stitching blogs though, and here are some of the ones I try to catch as soon as they post something new:

I met Mrs MBK on the Cross Stitch Forum and I love to catch her new blog posts since they always contain some amazing stitching and beautiful threads. She also has some videos on YouTube expanding on some of the threads and stitching she discusses in her blog. Check out her latest progress today on a tricky hardanger piece and a drawn thread WIP. 

I discovered Kate's writing and stitching blog when I was following another blog. She has a definite gift with writing that draws me into whatever she posts and I'm always happy to see what's she's stitching. We're doing the 30 Days of Lists challenge together too, so make sure you check out what she's posted so far. 

I've been following Keebles World for so long I've forgotten how I first happened upon her blog. She has some amazing HAEDs in progress and completed, doesn't mince words when she's not happy with charting, etc., and I've learned some good tips for my stitching from reading her blog. She's also working on a Disney movie challenge and I'm looking forward to reading her reviews. If you're planning on a Disney vacation, you need to check her blog for reviews. Chances are she's been there at least once and can give you a straightforward review. 

Claudette has a large amount of WIPs (200+). She is on a quest to stitch all of her stash, but her stash is tremendous! She's also the host of Turtle Trot which is a way to try and progress on some of our BAPs (big ass pieces) and give them some love during the year. She hasn't posted yet in May so I hope all is okay with her and life is just busy. The next Turtle Trot check in will be June 10, so fingers crossed we'll hear from her then. 

In the Hand is run by Blackmageheart (Sherona), one of the fastest stitchers I know. She generally stitches gaming patterns, and she often charts them herself as well. You can find some of her patterns on Sprite Stitch. Life's been hectic for her lately so she hasn't posted as much recently, but I think that likely means she's been stitching like crazy. Hopefully things will get smoother and she'll treat us to another post soon. 

I love reading Katie's blog because she's always working on something interesting and has a number of WIPs she will rotate through. She crochets and sews clothing as well and has an Etsy store for some of her creations. Every Sunday Katie posts like clockwork, I'm really impressed with her dedication to blogging. She also is a ballroom dancer and writes insightful commentary on Dancing with the Stars episodes. She just started working Sleepy Hollow and I can't wait to see that one progress. 

I recently started following Jeremiah's Mom when we attempted the Crazy January Challenge. She's doing very well on her projects and has another finish. She has other projects she works on as well and challenged herself to finish one Mill Hill kit a month. She posts frequently and also keeps us updated on her life. I really enjoy reading everything she discusses in her blog. 

This is a non-craft blog and Traci is a personal trainer. She had a Belly Burn Challenge last year that DH and I did and we both did really well in getting back in shape and losing weight without really having to try very hard. It's all in the foods you eat, which was good to know and if I could keep up with her advice I'm sure I'd still be losing weight. As it is I need to get back on track, hence the 30 days of no refined sugar challenge, although I already failed since I've cheated twice now. 

There are a lot of good recipes, but you have to hunt for them now. It used to be organized differently and there was a recipe section to link to. You can buy her new book which is pretty good, and there are a lot of good recipes in it. The BB Challenge from last year was what helped her write the book, so most of our favourite recipes are in there.

I enjoy reading Linda's posts. She posts pretty frequently and always has an amazing amount of stitching going on. A few weeks ago she had 253 WIPs! She's had at least one finish since then, so it must be going down, but can you imagine? I'm always happy to cheer her on to more finishes. She's working on so many great projects you'll have to check out her blog to see which ones you need to add to your wish list. 

Joyce is the friendly host of International Hermit and Stitch Weekend. That's when you use IHSW as an excuse to ignore everything except stitching. :) She has some amazing Chatelaines stitched up and some beautiful pixies as well. Her stitching time has decreased recently and she also recently suffered a loss in her family, but I hope we'll hear from her again soon. 

I hope you enjoyed the list and maybe I gave you a couple more blogs to add to your reader. 

Happy Stitching,



  1. Wow Tiffany. Thank you so much for mentioning me in your post. I feel very honored.


    1. Thank you for having such a great and interesting blog :)

  2. Oooo thanks for the mention Tiff :), I'm glad I'm blogging now so we can connect this way! I love Joyce's blog, she is the one that got me into Chatelaines. I miss her regular posts, but gaming and life have taken over, especially with her recent news :(.

    1. You're welcome and yes, it's great! For Joyce, I hope she's doing okay, and stitching might be a good outlet during this time too, even if she's not blogging about it. I miss her posts as well.

  3. Aww Thanks for mentioning me. I love reading your blog too.

  4. I can't believe I wasn't following you...I could have SWORN I was! Bad Keebs!


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...