Monday, May 18, 2015

30 Day Challenges Day 6 - What Do I Start Next? - White Wolves Update

I did it!! All the cross stitch on White Wolves is complete! I'm so excited about it, and it feels like such a huge relief. The refrain from Pirates of Penzance keeps running through my head: "Oh joy unbounded! Oh sweet relief! Oh rapture unexampled!" :)

And here it is:

And for my list, I plan to celebrate finishing this piece and being 1/3 of the way through my Crazy January Challenge by starting a new project. Here are the 10 I'll choose from:

1. Blackwork Box of Delights by Elizabeth Almond

2. Fleur de Lys by Brodeuse Bressane

3. Though  She Be But Little, She is Fierce by Zindagi Designs

4. Office Sweet Office by Zindagi Designs

5. Remember You Are Braver Than You Believe by Zindagi Designs

6. Life on the Line

7. Flowers of the Month by EMS Cross Stitch Design

8. Faerie Mother by Joan Elliott

9. Autumn Stained Glass by Ursula Michael

10. Acorn Scissor Keep

I have a good idea which one I'll start, but I'm going to have a contest. If you can guess which one I'm going to start I'll send you a prize. The first one to guess correctly will win and you have until May 27, 2015 at 12:00am. The prize will likely involve threads and maybe a chart or 2 I haven't decided yet. :)

Good luck and happy stitching!



  1. My choice would be Autumn Stained Glass, but anyone will make a great next project.

  2. Replies
    1. That's such a nice one. I recently picked up the kit.

  3. Gorgeous finish! I am going to say #1, because it is so much fun to stitch. I started it yesterday :)

    1. :) That's what I keep hearing and it's a good way to use up spare threads too.

  4. Though She Be But Little! 'Cause it's adorable :D

    1. It is! I can't decide if I'm going to swap the colours out or stitch it as charted.

  5. Oh, and congrats on your finish! Left that bit out. It's beyond gorgeous!!!

  6. Congrats on a spectacular finish!
    My guess is the Joan Elliott
    Have fun deciding!

    1. Thank you! I've already decided what I'm starting, but I thought it would be fun to have people try and guess. :)

  7. Its a tough choice! I love Joan Elliott and think that design is lovely...but my guess is going to be...Flowers of the Month??
    Whatever you choose will be great and WOW! those wolves are fabulous. It must be great to finish an WIP. hehe

    1. It's such a relief, as if a weight is off my shoulders. I didn't realize the weight was there until I put the last cross stitch in.

  8. Hey! Ive only just seen the Nora Corbett now I'm torn...

    1. Just let me know your final answer. :)

    2. I'd like to see each month of the flowers get stitched up but I am thinking that you may go with the Nora Corbett letter for your DD...oh! and i ended up looking at all the Nora Corbett designs! I like the Spring garden pixies and the Bewitched pixies.

    3. She has some really beautiful designs. :)

  9. Well done on finishing all the cross stitch, best of lucky with completing this piece. I'm gonna guess #5 Remember You Are Braver Than You Believe

    1. That's a nice one too. I saw it stitched up on a Facebook group and it stitches up fairly quickly.

  10. Congrats on a fabulous finish! I'm guessing you'll start #2, Fleur de Lys.

  11. I'll go with # 6. I look forward to cheering you along on any of them.

    Major Congrats on finishing the stitching on White Wolves. It's fantastic!

    1. Thank you! One more day of back stitch should finish it entirely. #6 is for a good friend, good luck!

  12. Mmmmmm great list, I've stitched/am stitching two of them, so for purely selfish reasons will say #2 as I'd love to see someone stitching it again! All new starts are awesome though which ever you choose!

    1. Thanks! I can't wait to start something new. I've held my startitis in check for too long.


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

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