Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Top 5 Tuesday: Top 5 Things That Accompany My Stitching

Kate has found a very interesting topic today. Head over to her blog to check out everyone else's posts and Kate's A-Z with Bubble Bobble. :) It's a very fun stitch. 


1. TV 

This can be a show or watching DH play Zelda: Breath of the Wild most recently, and soon we'll be into the CFL season, so it will be while watching football games.

2. A pillow

Our couch has a lounger and it's been so well used (over 10 years) that the seat tends to sink down, so to help keep my back supported I use a pillow behind me. I also sometimes use one under my right arm since that shoulder can get sore if I'm stitching for a while. 

3. Max

Inevitably, when I sit down to stitch, Max will join me at some point. He has a real issue with kneading and that will go on for a good half hour or longer, and he really dislikes being petted while he's kneading. He has this intense look, it's very odd. And no, I didn't pose him this way. I had put it on my lap while I was doing something else and he managed to get a leg in it and go back to sleep. Strange cat...

4. Audiobooks
I'll often prefer an audio book to TV, especially if it's a good story. I have a membership through Audible and can keep myself entertained while stitching and while commuting to work. I can't decide on the Stephen Fry edition of The Complete Sherlock Holmes. I already have it with another narrator, but I love listening to Stephen Fry, so I think I might have to get that as well. I think it's over 60 hours!! That will keep me going for a while. 

5. Beverage

Usually I will have something on the table beside me. If it's water I won't move my stitching out of the way too much, if it's tea, I will move it completely. I definitely don't want to stain anything. 

I hope you enjoyed the list. What accompanies your stitching?

Happy Stitching!



  1. To many critters. lol Interesting post Tiffany.


    1. Sometimes one can be too many too. :) Thanks!

  2. Great list tiff, you can learn a lot about fellow stitchers from their little world.

  3. Hey Tiffany, we must be twins - that is exactly the five things that I have, too. Although I usually have my phone (so I can look up more information about what I see on the TV) and a physical book as well!

  4. Interesting post. I have recently started listening to audio books while stitching, sometimes I listen to Indian movies songs on radio.

    1. I hope you're enjoying it. Audio books are easier in some ways, but I have to remind myself to lift my head more often. :)

  5. Hehehe a lot of interesting things!👏🏽💓

  6. I didn't even think about tea...I can't stitch at all without tea! We have similar lists this time!

  7. Oh, Tiff! You have a cat just like ours! I can't see him in photos either!
    Don't they do the strangest things! The two cats we have now are so different to any we've had over the years. We don't know what they will do next either!
    Tea! Love it but I keep it well away from my stitching. At the handicraft group I go to we all move to another part of the room for our tea break so we don't have any accidents with anyone's stitching!
    Great post, Tiff!
    Barbara x

  8. Love your cat!
    I have the laptop and a boy usually when I'm stitching! Sometimes a coffee.

  9. Your cat made me smile, they always want to see what;s going on... ours just cant resist helping out.

  10. I find audiobooks put me to sleep xD

  11. Mostly for me it is TV or songs in the background .

  12. We should obviously get together and stitch! I would just substitute a blanket for the pillow.

  13. Great list, Tiff! Love your silly Max! Reminds me of the funny ways Pekoe would twist herself next to me while I was stitching. It is nice to have all of our favorite things to accompany stitching, right?

    1. Absolutely! Thanks, and I do get the strangest photos of Max while he's sleeping beside or on me.

  14. Great list. I always have my TV on. I really should try audio books. Jeremiah is always across from me playing Xbox too.

  15. Great list! I do enjoy TV and occasionally Youtube, but somehow audiobooks just don't cut it for me, there are very few I really enjoy.

    1. If you're a fan of Stephen Fry and Sherlock Holmes, that is a great listen so far. Some audio books don't work for stitching, that is for sure. Thanks!


Thanks for any comments!

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