Friday, April 19, 2019

Easter Treasure Blog Hop 2019

Hello everyone! Happy Easter! Please check out Jo's blog for the list of everyone participating.

Here is your letter:

And please visit Sheryl at Sewing After Seven for your next letter. 

I was trying in vain to finish a little LK Easter Flip-it, but didn't quite manage it. 

Instead, please enjoy this blast from the past, Somebunny!
Stitched as charted from WOXS 2 over 1 on Aether 28ct Lugana by Chromatic Alchemy

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Happy Stitching,



  1. Sometimes we just run out of time...your bunny is adorable.

  2. Lovely design from the past, you'll soon have your LK finished. Thanks for the letter, happy Easter

  3. So nice stitching, I'll come back to see your finish. Thanks for the "R". Merci. Joyeuses fêtes de Pâques. xxx

  4. Sweet bunny ... so cute. Happy Easter!

  5. Thanks for taking part in the Easter Blog Hop this year. Nice work on the Easter Bonnet part of the Flip it!
    The little Somebunny is very cute but we have lovely warm weather this year, unlike past years when we had snow at Easter!

  6. Somebunny is very sweet. Thank you for your letter.

  7. Love seeing this design again, so cute. Thank you for the letter.

  8. Your LK will be so cute! It is almost there! And the bunny is very sweet! Happy Easter!

  9. Don't worry for not having finished your piece.Happy Easter. AriadnefromGreece!

  10. Hopping along the blog hop. Good luck finding time to finish up your piece. We all know that times likes to go away too quickly especially when we have a deadline. Love your Somebunny. Thanks for the letter.

  11. Somebunny is so darling, what a sweet piece. Happy Easter!

  12. Your LK piece is looking very cute, and Somebunny is really sweet!
    I look forward to seeing your LK piece finished.
    And I know just what you mean about trying to find time to finish things ..... that’s why I wasn’t able to join in this year!
    Happy Easter, Tiff!
    Barbara xx

  13. Thanks for the letter! Both your old and new stitching are very cute.

  14. But I can see the ears at least! Somebunny is adorable, an oldie but a goodie.

  15. A flower counts for Spring! Thanks for the letter~


Thanks for any comments!

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