Thursday, July 9, 2020

People's Choice SAL - Most Stitched Designer

This week it's time to choose the designer we stitch the most. I think it's easy for some, but I tend to hop around and stitch on a lot of different things, so I have a lot of different WIPs/finishes from different designers. Also, does each part of a SAL count as a design? Because that will change things up as well.

I'll see if I can figure it out both ways. Make sure you check out Jo's post with everyone's links too!

List of most frequently stitched designers, with 5 or more finishes/WIPs:

Dimensions - 8 finishes, 8 WIPs
Mabel Figworthy's Fancies - 16 finishes
KLT Charting - 12 finishes, 1 WIP
Palko-lap - 12 finishes
Durene Jones - 10 finishes, 2 WIPs
Lizzie Kate - 10 finishes, 1 WIP
Mill Hill - 9 finishes, 1 WIP
Kincavel Krosses - 6 finishes
Circus Stitches and Ink Circles - 5 finishes
Jodyri - 3 finishes and 2 WIPS

So if we count SAL as 1 project, the list would change to putting Mabel, KLT, Palko-lap and Durene Jones down near the bottom since most of those finishes are from parts of the SALs.

Clearly I'm an eclectic stitcher and still stitch a lot of kits going by the amount of Dimensions and Mill Hill finishes. This is back from 2012, so the amount of stitching on non-kit projects has increased I think, but there are so many different designers I've stitched that it didn't amount to more than 5 projects finished or WIP status.

Dimensions clearly leads the pack no matter how you determine it, so I'll go with that as most-stitched designer, as odd as that seems. Since it's been a while, I'll try and post the other Dimensions WIPs I have besides the Wish ornament.

Kiss For a Snowman - active WIP
 Ballerina Dreams - last worked on 2019
 Frosty Friends - last worked on 2018
 Sleigh Ride Stocking - last worked on 2017?
 Savannah Birth Record - UFO
 In Harmony - UFO
Snowflake Ornaments - UFO

There's several in here I'd like to get back to, and hope to once I get a few more WIPs complete. 

Have a good week! 



  1. I am really looking forward to seeing Kiss Foe A Snowman, all your designs are lovely.


  2. Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this month. It's been interesting to see how many people are obsessed with one designer! Or not.
    It's nice to dig out photos of the older pieces too.
    Regarding SALs - I think if you stitch each piece as a separate item then they count as individual finishes but if they are all part of one larger piece then it is one project.

  3. I still stitch some kits as well - sometimes it's just nice to have everything in one place and just be able to start!

  4. You have some lovely wips, I'm looking forward to seeing Kiss for a Snowman come together!

  5. I try to steer clear of kits but if I didn't I'd probably have loads by Dimensions. Their designs are realistic and colourful and, on bigger projects, their use of different numbers of threads really adds depth. I do hope we'll see more of your WIPs soon; I'd especially like to see Frosty Friends again. :)


Thanks for any comments!

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