Monday, July 6, 2020

Spring Into Summer New Start Binge #14 - Mill Hill Woodland Santa

Only a month to go now! Are we sad? happy? relieved? I have definitely enjoyed starting so many things that have been stashed away for so long. It does mean a lot of other WIPs haven't progressed at all, so I think I'll be glad to finish and work on a few more things. I'm also happy that I haven't added too many more WIPs to the pile. I'm a little afraid to count as I think I've crept up above 50 again, but that can wait for another day.

I did stick with my Christmas theme this week and Annie did as well, and Rachel has another great bird practically finished. Please check out their blogs as well and cheer them on too!

Here's what I started this week:
and I did manage a lot of progress this week:

I will likely try and get this finished this week too and have a fresh start for this coming weekend.

I also managed to get some more done on Dimensions Wish:

and this could also be a finish this week! That would be nice to have another completion from these new starts.

Cathy had a great idea about starting this up again after September/October. Rachel and I may have already been thinking something similar. :) I linked to her blog because she finishes so many things! It's astounding.

I hope you've all had good stitchy weeks and are staying healthy!

Happy Stitching,



  1. Wow, so close to another two finishes! You may not be working on your older WIPs but you're definite;y keeping to your loose plan of finishing off as many of these new starts as possible. Go Tiff! :)

  2. I love both of the projects you're working on this week and you're close to a finish on both! Thanks for the mention!

  3. Wow, you stitched so much on Santa already! It will be nice to have a couple of finishes too.

  4. Oh, great start on the little Santa! I so enjoy following your starting binge and I wouldn't mind at all seeing another one later in the year ;)

  5. I like seeing your Christmas stitching, although right now I'm stuck in Halloween mode!


Thanks for any comments!

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