Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Spring Into Summer New Start Binge #15 - Celtic Ice

Can there really only be 2 more weekends of starts left? It's hard to believe. I've definitely enjoyed each new start, even when they have issues or need frogging. That is a theme again this week, and I'll get into that below.

Rachel and Annie have started new projects this weekend as well, so please check their posts to see which projects they decided to start and maybe there's a finish if you go look!

This weekend I chose to start Celtic Ice. I think I got this one from Michelle BendyStitchy on one of her destashes. It came kitted up.

I believe this is OOP now, so I don't know if it was a kind of special release. It also came with another celtic design bonus chart. I managed to get here:

and then I realized my stitch count was off for the top left "knot", so that had to be frogged. I did frog it all, but haven't restitched it yet. This should be an easy finish once I get back to it though.

Speaking of finishes, I purposely delayed my post by a day, instead of accidentally forgetting like most other weeks, to get another finish in:

Woodland Santa (#8?) is complete! This was a fun one, a lot of cross stitch compared to some of the other Mill Hill kits I've completed and maybe only 100 beads or less, and only 3 colours, so a very easy starter project if you've never used beads before. The beard is 4 strands knotted and tacked down, then you clip a couple for a mustache area and sort of spread the rest so he seems to be walking into wind.

One more finish for the books for this new start binge! It is exciting to have finished so many new things as well. I don't think it ever became a grind, and there's only 2 weekends left now, so the time to choose more projects is at hand. I have a few options I need to narrow down for the last 2. One may not be Xmas themed because I had a project all kitted up to start, but I'd forgotten about it, and only recently came across it again. We'll see what I decide. That might be the final project for this session.

I hope you've all had good stitchy weeks!

Happy Stitching,



  1. I'm sorry the frog stopped you from a second finish, but congratulations on finishing Woodland Santa!

  2. Oh no to the miscounting and frogging but, like you said, it'll be another quick and easy finish for you, and it is super cute. Is that variegated thread you're using?
    Congrats on finishing Woodland Santa too. The 'walking into the wind' beard is really effective. :)

  3. That is a fab new start, especially on that fabric. I am thinking about joining Ink Circles Patreon as the small charts she is doing look great.
    Nice Santa finish too, very windswept!

  4. Your Santa is so cute! I'm fascinated by all these beautiful Mill Hill projects I see when I read cross stitch blogs. I haven't seen anyone sell them over here in Sweden.

  5. Oh man, darn frog! But I like the fabric and thread colour.
    Woodland Santa looks great, his windblown look is perfect!

  6. Hey I missed your beautiful stitching. So sorry to hear the frog visited you again. He really likes your stitching though. Congrats on the Mill Hill finish. Looks great!!


Thanks for any comments!

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