Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Spring Into Summer New Start Binge - Moon and Back

We made it! Here we are, what would have been the start of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and this is the end of the 17 weekend starts. I'm okay with it being done for now since I'd like to work on my older WIPs and the newer WIPs for a while without necessarily adding anything new for a bit. I still have about 6K stitches left on the tiger face, so it will be exciting to finish that one!

Please check out Rachel and Annie's new starts as well on their blogs.

But now, here was my start:

It's a bit of a departure from Jolly July/Christmas starts, unless I get this done for an Xmas present maybe? I don't know if I want to frame it, maybe a long pillow? Anyways, need to finish it first. 

Here's the floss toss: 

I purchased the chart, fabric and floss at my closest LNS, and decided to go with silks to support her shop. I only get there once a year or less, so I do what I can. I'm not even sure if she's open currently.

And my small start:

I'm using the purple/blue for the words instead of brown and it's a fun stitch so far. I'll likely use DMC or stash hand-dyeds for the other bits.

And there we are! 17 new starts, a few finishes and a few WIPs left over. I'm thinking a wrap up in a week or so would be good, so I'll follow Rachel's lead with that.

Stay well and Happy Stitching!



  1. I think you are wise using the purple/blue for the words, the brown just looks too blah.
    I am looking forward to seeing your progress.


  2. This is a lovely chart but, after seeing your floss toss, am pleased you're changing the colours; the charted ones are a little drab.
    I look forward to seeing your round-up post; it'll be interesting seeing everything together. :)

  3. This is a lovely design, it's one of the things I always say to my son.

  4. Ooh, that's a great one! Looks like it won't take too long to stitch up, either.

  5. Another lovely new start. It's been fun to watch them all.

  6. This is a great pattern and I like how you're using blue for the words instead, it's more space like! There's a couple similar that I'd like to stitch for DH, especially since he's an aerospace engineer.


Thanks for any comments!

February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...