Friday, August 7, 2020

Spring Into Summer New Start Binge Round-Up!

 And here we are, over a week later and no scheduled new starts. It's an odd feeling after so many, but also nice to concentrate on some other WIPs for a while. I had hoped to have one more finish before posting, because it's so close to completion, but I'm still not quite finished the Dimensions bird/Wish kit.

Here's the rundown, let's start with finishes and I'll link to the original post if you'd like more details on any of the projects.
Punkin Heart by Flowers 2 Flowers

Love You to the Moon by Waxing Moon Designs

Wrapped Bars and Dove's Eyes by Victorian Sampler

Ode to Snowflakes by Glendon Place

Ballet Silhouette #2 by Lanarte 

Wings and Things by Ink Circles

Just Breathe by Fiddlesticksau 
Woodland Santa by Mill Hill as charted

Celtic Ice by Ink Circles 

Squirrelly by Mill Hill stitched as charted

And that means I managed to finish 10 of the new projects, and that's pretty good out of 17. I had intended to stick with smaller projects, but got drawn into some bigger new starts. Here are the remaining 7:

Visit Mordor by Country Magic Stitches

Loved You Yesterday by Cherry Hill Stitches

Magical Arrival SK by HAED

Moon and Back by Heart in Hand

In the Gloaming by Whispered by the Wind

Witch's Gate by WBTW

Wish Ornament by Dimensions

And there we have it! All the new starts and some finishes and a few lingering WIPs. I'll get the Wish ornament finished soon, there's a postmark I have to backstitch at the bottom, otherwise it's pretty much complete. The other charts will take a bit longer. The WBTW ones might be good for Dark October stitching and see if I can get them to progress a bit. The 2 with words should be fairly quick once I let myself concentrate on them as well. 

I'm still working a lot on Siberian Tiger right now and have less than 4K stitches till a finish, so I'm working on it as much as I can. I'll try and get a post up about my WIPs in a week or so and sort of a mid-year round up. I love round up posts, they're so much fun to read. 

Hope you're having a good week and stay safe! 

Happy Stitching, 



  1. All great pieces. You ladies had a lot of fun. I can't wait to join in with your Naughty November.

  2. I love round-up posts too as it's so easy to forget just how much was achieved, well... achieved in your case anyway! 10 finishes out of 17 new starts is a fantastic amount to end up with. Good luck finishing the others; apart from Visit Mordor and Magical Arrival I expect they'll easily be finished by the end of the year. :)

  3. Wow, that's a lot of finishes in a short period of time. I think my favorite of all your starts is the Wish ornament.

  4. You had so many lovely starts! Just Breathe is so funny, haha:D
    I'm really looking forward to see your progress on these projects!

  5. Wow, that was amazing! It does feel odd when you come to the end of a challenge, the end of May is always the same. But you have some great finishes. I love the Snowflakes and the Ink Circles pieces.
    Out of the WIPs, I want to see the two WDtW and the Mordor poster worked on next. Please!

  6. Oh wow! I knew you finished a lot of these, but 10 (almost 11) is amazing. Great job!

  7. So many wonderful finish's and starts.
    Have a great week.


  8. So many beautiful finishes, I can't pick a favourite! Your WIPS should keep you busy for a while, no being bored for you for quite a while.


Thanks for any comments!

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