Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Top 5 Tuesdays: Top 5 Romantic Charts

Here we are on Tuesday again and it's time for Top 5 Tuesdays, the brainchild of Kate! And I've managed once again to not get a WIP up before this post. I will aim for tomorrow because Somebunny is moving along very well. But first! 


I will be interpreting this as all kinds of love, not just romantic love since I don't generally stitch romantic type charts. 

1. Impronta D'Amore by Alessandra Adelaide

I love this one, especially since we lost our beloved basset almost 3 years ago. I couldn't stitch it at first, and haven't bought the chart yet, but I think I'm ready soon. I'll likely wait until I get some of my WIPs under control before buying this one though. 

2. Maman by Alessandra Adelaide

I love the sentiment behind this one, and the woman is charted well, but the baby's nose and mouth look a little weird to me, so I don't know that I'll ever stitch or purchase this one, but it tells a good story I think. 

3. February Flip-it Block by Lizzie Kate

I'm a fan of these by LK. You can use up some assorted hand-dyed bits you might have lying around, plus the designs are fun! And you can have a mini finish in a night if you don't have a lot of stitching time. I've stitched a March one, but not this one. 

4. Cats in Love by Fluffyfuzzypatterns (Etsy)

Rachel (Ten Hour Stitcher) just finished this one, and it's so cute! I love it. I would stitch it for DH if only he was a kitty fan. Especially on a nice hand-dyed fabric like Rachel chose. 

5. Walk with Dad by Handblessings

This is one from last year and I loved every minute of stitching it, especially hiding it from DH. Plus when I showed DD she knew that it was of her and her Papa. :) 

I hope you enjoyed the list and I'll try and get a WIP photo of Somebunny up tomorrow. I'm close to a finish, but not so close that it will be finished tomorrow. 

Check out everyone else's list by going over to Kate's blog!

Happy Stitching,



  1. "Walk with Dad" is a beautiful piece, how sweet!

  2. Tiffany: They are all wonderful choice's love them all.


  3. Some great choices, I love the simplicity of some as they still project their message.

  4. Those are some lovely charts! I like how none of them is overly cutesy and overladen with hearts and frills. I like that too, sometimes, but those simpler charts feel much 'stronger' in their message!

  5. Another fab list Tiff. Walk with dad is lovely, a treasured stitch. I love Lizzie kate designs too although I've not stitched many.

  6. Terrific choices. Amazing what can be said in a few lines - or outlines.

  7. Sweet choices for this post!
    Walk with dad has to be my favourite, simply you stitched it for your family :)

  8. Love them all! I have the first one. I started it last January. I love it!! Just have too many other projects haha.

  9. What a great list!! I lost my cat almost 20 years ago, and I still dream about her, so I totally understand not being able to stitch that paw print right away. Love the Walk with Dad. =) And the accompanying story!

  10. Love your choices for the challenge! I think my favorite is Cats in Love. I checked out Rachel's finish and I agree about the fabric choice. Hers is fabulous. You've definitely added more charts to my wish list!!

    1. Thank you! I love Rachel's finish! It's so cute.

  11. They are all sweet, but I think I like the cats the best! The one you stitched for DH w/DD is just precious.

  12. Such a variety of differing designs for this post.

  13. I like those choices...I know this is late!!!


Thanks for any comments!

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