Friday, July 23, 2021

2021 Tokyo Olympic Stitching Challenge Start #1

It's here! The Olympics is upon us, and whether or not it's a good idea, they're doing it anyway, so the new starts commence today. Or actually yesterday to try and give me time to get a post up daily. 

My new starts will have absolutely nothing to do with the Olympics, but I thought I'd try and post a bit about events I like to watch and some history. I'll start with the favourite for a lot of people: gymnastics!

Perhaps the rest of you are also just about to learn that the word "gymasium" is from the Ancient Greek word gymnazein which means to exercise naked. That would certainly be a new way to watch the Olympics. Speaking of that, have you heard the German women's team is going with full body suits, whether they get fined or not? Good for them. It should be about the sport and there's been enough over-sexualization of mostly young girls' bodies. 

Gymnastics was added to the modern Games in 1898, but only for men. Women's gymnastics was added in 1928 in Amsterdam. The events differ for men and women, and I think we all know most of them, so I won't get into that. If you'd ever like more info, please let me know. 

I'm looking forward to watching the incredible strength, flexibility and training these athletes have gone through to get to this point. Canada usually doesn't medal in gymnastics, so no disappointment if there are no medals for Canadians. It will be exciting if it happens. 

And now, onto my start!

You may pick up early on the seasonal theme of these again. :) This is what it will look like eventually:

and I managed a little over 500 stitches to get to this point:
Noel by Bent Creek
stitched on 28ct Chromatic Alchemy fabric scrap
with WDW Fathom and Blue Bonnet, odd Dinky Dyes for orange and the grey is Silks4U PR026 

This was a fun little new start and should only need a few days to finish. It's just finding those few days. :)

I hope you're enjoying the Olympics if you're interested, and if not, at least enjoy a new fact or two. 

Happy Stitching and stay well!



  1. More fun starts to look at each day.


  2. I'm not a sports fans of any kind and I do get very cross with the way women are treated in sport! But you do have to admire their ability and prowess.
    I love that little Christmas House, a perfect new start.

    1. There's definitely a lot to get cross about unfortunately. Thank you!

  3. I had not heard about the German women, but I might be a little proud of them now that I know! Lovely start, I'm looking forward to seeing what else you have planned.

    1. Yup, pretty incredible to take that kind of stand. Norway's beach volleyball team is as well. It's kind of ridiculous women have to wear bikini bottoms and men get shorts. Thank you!

  4. Great start! Gymnastics was my sport in my youth so this is the event I follow the closest. Good luck finding those extra 'few days'! :)

    1. Oh wow! It must be fun to see what the gymnasts can accomplish now compared to then and the different events. Thank you. :)

  5. Tiff: Nice start, it never too early to start stitching for winter or Christmas.


  6. What a lovely start on Noel. Just a little different watching the summer Olympics when stitching on winter!

    1. Ha! That's true, I never thought of it that way. Thank you!


Thanks for any comments!

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