Friday, July 9, 2021

Christmas in July 2021

Rachel has a new SAL this month, Christmas in July! If you're interested in working on some Christmas patterns to try and get a few finishes before Christmas, now is a good time to start. Check out her link-up post on her blog

In the lead-up to the Olympics and a bunch of new starts, why not another one? :) I recently found Holiday Quaker and decided to try and stitch it up this month until the Olympics start. I'm going to alternate with Amazing Animal Kingdom to try and catch up a bit on that one as well. I had a goal of trying to get 100K stitches into that one this year and I'm only a little over 30K, so I'm well behind on that goal. I'm still quite impressed with that amount of stitching though!

Here's Holiday Quaker as it will look when complete:

I debated about fabric, but eventually chose a 14ct opalescent green from Jodyri. I'm also going to try and use a lot of the Silks4U monthly packs I've been receiving so they get used and not stay stashed away. Here's the colours I've chosen so far:

My rough idea is to stitch about 1000 tent stitches on Animal Kingdom, then stitch a motif on Holiday Quaker. Here's my start so far:

Holiday Quaker by Lila's Studio
stitched 2 over 1 on 14ct opalescent Christmas Elf by Jodyri Designs
with random stash threads starting with PR043 by Silks4U

This is pretty outside my normal pattern choices, but I do really love Christmas patterns and this one just fits somehow. 

I'm due to stitch another motif on this one tonight since I've now reached over 33K on Animal Kingdom:
Amazing Animal Kingdom by Aimee Stewart
stitched 2 over 1 tent stitch on 32ct experiment by Chromatic Alchemy

We'll see how it goes over the next couple weeks until the Olympics!

Happy Stitching and stay well!



  1. What a great start! I'm not so big on 'normal' quaker patterns, but I do like the themed ones. Great going on Animal Kingdom as well!

  2. Tiff: I really like the Holiday Quaker, it is so sweet.
    Wow 33 thousand stitch's that is a lot of cross's.
    Have a lovely day.


    1. Thank you, and yes, it sure is! Not even 9% yet though.

  3. This is a great choice for Christmas in July. I like the Lila Quakers but don't have any in my stash! Must add one to my list.

  4. I have always loved this Holiday Quaker, I think yours is going to look great!
    So nice to see that precious little elephant, I'm looking forward to seeing them all show up.

  5. Another new start? These SALs of mine are really bad for your health! Love your floss toss colour choices, so much bolder than the chart seems to show. :)


Thanks for any comments!

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