Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Finish #5!

I managed to complete the Bibliophile bookmark, so I'm one-sixth through my Crazy January Challenge. :)

This will hopefully be finished by April for a friend's birthday. Her favourite colour is red, so fingers crossed she's happy with this one. 

This chart was easy to stitch once I let the black work repetition sink in. At first I was fighting the repetition and watching the chart closely, but then I realized I just needed to let it flow. Once I did that I stitched up the last 2/3 in less time than the first 1/3 took. 

It's a fun little stitch and you'll find lots more freebies at Kincavel Krosses or check out her store for even more excellent designs. 

Happy Stitching,


Monday, February 23, 2015

IHSW February - the Conclusion and Another Finish!

I managed to complete Fry and Leela on Friday night, so that's 1 more done from my 30 CJC projects. 

And I managed a decent amount of progress on White Wolves on Saturday, still working on the left side. Where it was before:
And now:

And on Sunday I worked on my Bibliophile bookmark and am almost done.

Hope everyone else had a great weekend!


Thursday, February 19, 2015

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

IHSW February Preview and Fry and Leela update

It's time again to sign up for the International Hermit and Stitch Weekend. Head over to Random Ramblings where we're hosted by the inimitable Joyce and use this as a great excuse to stitch the weekend away. 

I have to work Saturday, so I don't think there will be much progress, but maybe I can finish Fry and Leela if I haven't by then. It's so close I'm going to stick with it until the main stitching is complete. 

Here's how it looked yesterday evening:

Happy Hermitting everyone!


Monday, February 16, 2015

Fry and Leela update

I've managed to finish another colour so I only have 2 more colours to go on Fry and Leela

I hope to add some wording to the bottom as well, but once I finish the main stitching I'll likely leave this for a bit while I work out what I want. 

Hope everyone is enjoying their day, whether you have to work or not and happy stitching!


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Post Valentine's Day post ;)

Hope everyone enjoyed Valentine's Day! The three of us had a great day together and dressed DD in her beautiful Christmas present from GG. 

On the stitching front I managed this little one:

from Tom Pudding designs. I know the yellow heart in the middle doesn't show up too much, but I'm still happy with it. The original design is just one heart, but I wanted to have something with our 3 favourite colours and this is close. 

I also progressed on one of my CJC projects, Squiggle Tree:

And a small bit on Fry and Leela, but I'll leave that until I finish the current colour of 975. I just have a couple more rows to complete. 

Happy Stitching, and enjoy tomorrow's day off if you're lucky!


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Turtle Trot - February Edition

The Turtle Trot SAL is a great way to progress on some of our large projects that have been sitting around for awhile. This year I've selected pieces I want to focus on and have managed to finish one. That makes me wonder why I chose it to begin with for this kind of SAL, but I added another project to take up that slot. 

The Turtle Trot is hosted by Claudette at BAP Attack who has been adding to her starts daily! If you haven't been to her blog before you'll be amazed at her determination. 

You'll find all of my TT pieces on the tab and I'll mention the ones that got some love this past month. If you want a little more info on any of them, click on the link for each project. 

3. Bienvenue - FINISHED

4. White Wolves - started here:

and decent progress on the left side to here: with my new needle minder from Cirrus Creations, love!

8. Fry and Leela started here:
and finished here:

9. WW Tribal Dragon started here:
and finished here:

10. Letters From Nora K - new start and you may notice this looks different than last month's photo. I had started 90 degrees off, so I had to unpick everything and start over!

I hope everyone had a good month and I look forward to checking out your progress and cheering you on too. 

Happy Stitching,


Sunday, February 8, 2015

February YOTA SAL

I'm a day late with my YOTA post! Hosted by Pull the Other Thread, this is a fun way to work on our acronym projects (UFOs, WIPs, BAPs, etc). I had to work yesterday and I didn't remember I had to post until I started reading everyone else's posts. 

I managed a bit of progress on a few of my pieces this month. 

1. White Wolves - hoping for a November finish, started here:

And I'm here so far. 

I'm concentrating on the upper left corner since I prefer to start there and having it unfinished has been bothering me. I think I'll continue until I have to move the Qsnaps and then go to something different for awhile. Also, check out my new needle minder from Cirrus Creations. :)

2. Otto - did not see any progress past my January post

3. Homeward Bound started here:
and finished here:

I extended out to the left edge so I just need to do that all around and fill in a bit of the inner circle that is yet unstitched, as well as some filler around the circle. 

This is another one I'm hoping will have a November finish. 

4. Skitzzzzz fractal started here:
And finished here:

I'm very happy with my progress on this one and I think having tried a couple HAEDs in the meantime allowed me to get the hang of the confetti stitching much better this time. You can tell by the left edge I was only doing cross country before. I do a combo of cross country and parking and that seems to work for me. I hope to finish the first page at least this year. 

I hope everyone else had a great month and I look forward to reading the rest of your posts and seeing how we do next month!

Happy Stitching,


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Mini - finish 3/6

I completed another letter of my Alphabet Bears. I have 3 to go, but I've run out of my Weeks Dye Works Angel Hair that I've been using for the lighter colour of the bears. I'll have to order some online since there's no local LNS that stocks WDW any more. 

It will have to wait a few months, so I'll shelve the first 3 letters until then. The yellow is Soie Cristale on this one. 

Happy Stitching, 


Monday, February 2, 2015

Another finish! - LK's Oh Baby!

I managed another finish over the weekend, and a mini-finish as well. 

Firstly, LK's Oh Baby! is now complete. 

I used WDW Dutch Iris, Meadow, Mauve and Americana on 28 count African Daisy Jobelan. This was a really fun stitch and I enjoyed the freedom of making my own design from the available motifs. 

I also stitched Sophia's birthday, but I won't be posting that here. I need an 8x8 matte and I can frame this in a 10x10 frame I have at home. 

Yesterday during the Super Bowl I finished part of another of my CJC new starts. I'm stitching six of these on burlap squares. This is the 'O' to go with the completed 'S'

I used WDW Angel Hair and Bright Leaf for the bear and I'm now almost out of Angel Hair so I need to find another skein online. The 'O' is in WDW Blaze. 

I think I'll start the 3rd letter, use up the thread I have and then put these away until I can get some more thread. 

Thanks for looking, and happy stitching!


February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...