Monday, June 1, 2015

30 Day Challenges Day 13 - 10 Projects I Would Stitch With Infinite Time

Like many stitchers I have SABLE (Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy). These are 10 charts I would love to stitch if I had enough time. I haven't purchased any of these yet, and I have too many charts on my To-Be-Stitched pile to add to them. However, I can continue to dream. 

1. Giant Harry Potter Sampler by Clouds Factory

I'm still not 100% in love with samplers, but I am more interested in them when they have things that I like or love. Harry Potter definitely fits and this pattern has so many characters! This would be one I'd like to stitch some day, maybe on an afghan or something. 

2. Evil Queen (Maleficent) by Heaven and Earth Designs

There may be more than one HAED that shows up in this list, but this is the first. Keebles is stitching it right now and it looks so awesome. This is one of those that should end up in prime place on a wall to be amazed at my everyone who enters the house. I do not have time to stitch this one and I need to keep reminding myself of that. 

3. Polar Beauty Mandala by Martina Rosenberg

I will admit to being a little intimidated by these Chatelaine mandalas. This one is really lovely and maybe some day I can stitch it, but it will remain in the dream list for now. 

4. Cleopatra's Eyes by Threedles

I haven't bought this chart, but I did win it one year at the Online Needlework Show. I'm a little afraid of it as there are so many stitches I've never attempted. This is one that I will need to purchase stretcher bars for and have a good chunk of time to start and I just don't see that happening any time soon.  

5. Chakra Blackwork Design by Seba Designs

I love the look of this one. It just feels like it has stories to tell of foreign places and would be fun to stitch. However, it's pretty large, even if it is blackwork, and I'd be afraid it would end up a UFO if I tried it now. 

6. Cut Thru' Castle by Bothy Threads

I've seen this one stitched up on the Cross Stitch Forum and it was really intriguing. The one comment I remember is how much of a pain the back stitch was. I don't mind back stitch too much, but when added to a piece this size, well, again, with infinite time I would love to stitch it. 

7. Faery Tales by HAED

I love fairy tales. I read all the Andrew Lang books when I was younger and I can't wait to read them to DD. This one would be a dream to complete and put up in her room, or in mine, but that will likely never happen. They even have a supersized version of this one now, and I'm not sure what the difference is except that it's larger and would therefore take longer. :)

8. Rhyme and Reason by HAED

This chart is similar to the above, only it has nursery rhymes, etc. I think this would be fun to complete since you'd be doing one rhyme or myth at a time. Time is the enemy again with this one, but it sure looks fun. 

9. Blue Eyes by Kustom Krafts
This is another art-to-stitch design and I love it. I've always been fond of tiger designs as long as they actually seem lifelike and this one is fantastic. There is one review who mentions it turned out really well when she completed it as charted. This might have to go in the "maybe" list. 

10. Black Lace by Dessins DHC

Mel reviewed this chart on Cross Stitch Review which is unfortunately on hiatus after she become seriously ill. It looked like such an interesting chart and I would maybe alter the colours a little, or make sure I picked an interesting fabric if I stuck with black. There are some nice choices given on the review too. 

So that's my list. If I had infinite time and/or suddenly become independently wealthy, these are 10 of the charts I would buy or start immediately. Some might still end up on the stack, but I really do want to work through some of what I have first. 

I hope you enjoyed it and sorry if I enabled you! (not really :) )

Happy Stitching,



  1. Great choices Tiff and you could so stitch a Chatelaine (if money and time were no object)!

  2. Oh what beautiful projects you picked out!!

  3. Great post Tiffany. I love all the charts you picked out.


  4. Keebs is progressing well with maleficent and having seen her finishes I know it will look awesome.
    I follow the blog of someone who stitched number 7 and I shall rack my brains to remember who :)
    Joyce who hosts the IHSW has stitched a few chatelaine mandalas which are stunning and looking at hers always makes me wistful.
    Number 20, the black lace is a beautiful design.
    A great post!

    1. Thanks! I've seen someone stitch Faery Tales and Rhyme and Reason on the Cross Stitch Forum a few years ago, but as far as I know they have yet to be completed.

  5. Trust me when I say, Maleficent may be pretty, but it's a pain in the tuckus! I've always been terrified to try a Chantelaine since I first saw Joyze do one. I also have TONS of blackwork patterns, but again, I'm terrified to try it. When it comes to stash, I say better to have than to want! It gives you more options when it's time to start a new WIP.

    1. Very true. It's almost like an itch when I find I really want some stash, regardless if I will have time to stitch it. I've been reading your posts about how difficult Maleficent is, so I will continue to admire yours.


Thanks for any comments!

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