Friday, November 27, 2015

Bucket List Fridays: Never Visited Vacation Destinations to See Before You Die

Feel free to join into Keebles' Bucket List Fridays! She posts the topic on the Wednesday before to give you time to get your post together. 


This will be pretty easy since I haven't been to that many places worldwide and shouldn't take long to determine my top 5. 

1. UK 

Although I've been to Europe I've never been to the UK. I would love to have a month to get a good idea of the whole area. My parents recently went to Scotland for two weeks and said that wasn't nearly enough time just for Scotland!

2. Disney World

This should be a fairly easy one to accomplish within the next few years. I can't wait to take DD there. I've never been, but DH has and really enjoyed it when he was a kid. 

3. California

California has always had that kind of mystical appeal to me and someday I'd love to visit.

4. East Coast of Canada

I've never been out east in Canada and the Maritime provinces are beautiful! Hopefully we can do a road trip with DD at some point when she's older and experience more of Eastern Canada and the U.S.

5. Australia/New Zealand

I have some very good cross stitch friends that live in Australia and it has that mystique as well. It would also be fun to see where they film all the movies in NZ now too. 

Don't forget to check back with Keebles' blog so you can see if anyone else posted their bucket lists. There are sure to be lots of good places to add to yours, or share yours with us as well! 

And for Keeb's, I stitched a little on Princess and the Dragon before I put it away for the New Year, so here's my last update this year. 
Max is observing...

Happy Stitching,


Thursday, November 26, 2015

What I Took On My Vacation and the Winners!

First off, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating! I hope you all get the day off and can have some stitching time. 

And, what did I bring with me on vacation? Well, the choices were tough, but I did stitch on everything I brought with me, all 3 of them!

I stitched on:

1. Sleigh Ride

I really wanted to progress on this one and I managed a decent start after having to frog my start twice! I decided to work from the top down on this one and I certainly hope I counted correctly. :) 

I was happy with my progress, but since it was all half stitch it seemed like the fabric was starting to stretch while I was stitching in hand. I decided to wait until I could use my Qsnaps and put it down after only one night of stitching. 

2. Tribal Dragon

I managed a lot of work on this one! I was really close to finishing the last of the dark blue on the wings when I left and I managed to start the green of the dragon's body:
 Kind of looks like a horse here :)
A little more like a dragon

The Caron Waterlily threads are so nice to work with. Very smooth working 1 over 1 on 25 count lugana. I have 2 more colours to add, so keep posted for updates!

5. Butterfly Quote

Another fun one! I managed to finish part of the 2nd word on the top line. It will read "just when the" eventually. This is easy with Jodyri's lovely threads and 2 over 1 on 14 count. 

So that's it! I brought 3 projects and managed some progress on each one. That means the winners of the Jodyri threads giveaways are:

Katie of Sew Dance for guessing #2 and #5 - Double prize pack coming your way Katie!
Katie of Jeremiah's Mom for guessing #1
Linda of Stitching with my Furbabies for guessing #2

Thanks everyone for joining in and I will be in touch with the winners later today, or feel free to contact me first. :) 

Special thanks to Mii Stitch for playing even though she didn't want to be included in the giveaway. You were correct with Tribal Dragon! 

Happy Stitching and Happy Thanksgiving!


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

WIP Wednesday - A Forgotten WIP photo

For a break from some of my larger projects I had put a few stitches into a Mill Hill Xmas tree kit a while ago. I forgot to post photos of my progress though, so that will fit in today's topic. 

Last time:

I haven't worked on this one since I picked it up in March of this year. It's an easy enough stitch, although with all the colour changes in the tree and the beads to come I find it a bit fiddly for a travel piece. 

I hope to finish it for Xmas for a friend and maybe another one as well if I get myself in gear. They're lovely kits when completed. 

Has everyone been having a good stitching week? I finally have some time to catch up on all of your blogs, so I'll find out soon. :) 

Happy Stitching and don't forget today is the last day to enter my giveaway. I'll close it tonight at midnight Eastern time and announce the results tomorrow. Good luck!


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Top 10 Tuesdays: Top 10 Most Depressing Songs

Top 10 Tuesday time again! Make sure you check out Kate's and Keeb's blogs for their posts as well. I'm sure they'll come up with a full 10 and I feel like I'm going to have trouble with this topic. 


So my quandary with this topic is it songs that make me feel depressed? Or songs I listen to when I'm depressed? Since I tend not to listen to music that makes me depressed, I may have more of the latter. Let's see where we get!

1. Puff the Magic Dragon by Peter, Paul and Mary

To me there is no song more depressing than this one. It always, without fail, will bring tears to my eyes and make me so incredibly sad for Puff. It's had the same effect on me since I finally understood it when I was a teenager. 

2. Tower of Song by Leonard Cohen

Although I like this song, I find it depressing. As if you finally made it, you're a huge celebrity, a household name, and now you're lonelier than you've ever been. 

3. Girl With a Problem by The Northern Pikes

A song about addiction and I thought a pretty decent video as well. It affected me as a teenager and gave me a real look into addiction that I fortunately never had to deal with at home. 

4. Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton

This has got to be the saddest reason for a song existing, the death of your child. 

5. Eleanor Rigby by The Beatles

I always found this song sad. Someone without anyone to care for or to mourn her, even though she always did her best. 

6. Nowhere Man by The Beatles

Sticking with The Beatles for now, this is another one of those lonely songs. I do like this one, but I wouldn't want to listen to it over and over. 

7. Shades of Gray by The Monkees

I've always found this song sad as well. I have mixed feelings about it because I like it, but it feels like it's a type of situation where you don't know what to do and have tough choices to make.

8. Libel by Tilt

This is a song I listen to when I'm depressed because it helps fill me with anger and anger is better than feeling depressed for me. I can usually simmer down fairly quick. Tilt has a lot of great songs that each tell a story and I wish I could have seen them live. 

I could only link to this video, so click on it if you would like to hear it. I like this song, although the story behind it is sad. The lead singer lost his father as a child and it's a song about loss. Although Green Day started as a punk band, this is definitely more of the ballad type and has a great melancholy sound. 

10. Street Spirit (Fade Out) by Radiohead

A great song to listen to when you're depressed. I like the bizarre video as well. Like most Radiohead videos I don't really get it, but it's still pretty cool. I can't help but sing along to the lyrics, and hope no one ever hears me. :) I have a DVD with a bunch of Radiohead videos and it's something I tend to play all the way through when I'm depressed. 

I hope you enjoyed the list and what are your top most depressing songs?


Monday, November 23, 2015

Monday Musings

I am on vacation now, so don't forget to enter my giveaway for Jodyri threads and I'll post about what I stitched on November 26 (U.S. Thanksgiving). 

I visited a LNS in London, Ontario, Thread & Eye and it was fabulous!! I wish I could get there more often. It's beautifully organized and has lots of new cross-stitch finishes on the walls. They have a custom framers as part of their store as well, and they have an exclusive Ink Circles design, Reflections of Canada!
from Thread & Eye Facebook page

Isn't it fun? I've resisted the temptations of Ink Circles Reflections of London and Reflections of Paris, but I couldn't resist this one. So far I've found oak leaves, maple leaves, totem poles, Parliament buildings, hockey sticks, inuksuks, Mountie faces, snowshoes and eagles I think. I picked up some ecru/beige fabric to stitch it on and I plan to use Jodyri Ruby Slippers. I only have one skein, so I'll need to order a couple more. It looks pink in the photo I linked to, but it's a lovely rich red colour in real life. 

As for stitching, well I can't show you since my contest isn't over until Thanksgiving, but there hasn't been a lot yet anyway. Very busy with everything going on for birthdays. There are some big ones this year with my older brother turning 50, my dad turning 65, my Grandma turning 92 and DD turns 2! 

I hope everyone had a great weekend and don't forget to check out the Stitchery Link-Up!

Happy Stitching,


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Throwback Thursday

Things are still too crazy to get much stitching done, but I do have a Throwback Thursday for you. 

from WOXS by Maria Diaz

This was my first project from a magazine and it was pretty adventurous for me at the time (2011). It's from WOXS, but I'm not sure which issue. DH's cousins had very recently, very suddenly lost their beloved dog. They had 2 retrievers and they lost the one that was most active and younger very suddenly to kidney disease.

There was a planned baby shower for one of the cousins in two months so I was under pressure to get this one finished and I stayed up all night a few nights to complete it. It was very much worth it though and they really liked it. 

The greens were difficult since I hadn't done much confetti up to that point and there were several different shades of green to deal with in this one. I'm very happy with the finish though, and I think now it would be a breeze. 

Happy Stitching and don't forget to enter my Jodyri threads giveaway,


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Top 10 Tuesdays - Top 10 Things to Be Thankful For

Time again for Top 10 Tuesdays with Kate, Keebles and myself until someone else joins in. It's kind of fun if you're interested. :)


1. Health

I'm not in the greatest shape, back issues, etc. but I can stitch and I can work and that's more than a lot of people can say. So I'm thankful I can stitch and that I enjoy working. 

2. DD

I never expected to have children and it seemed like for awhile it wasn't going to happen no matter what we did, so she is a wonderful surprise and almost always a joy to be around. 

3. Work

I'm also thankful I have a profession I enjoy and have been somewhat successful in. 

4. Cross Stitch

This had to make the list right? I love stitching, I really, really do. I enjoy it more than most anything else except maybe for reading and I can listen to audio books and stitch so that's kind of like doing 2 of my favourite things at once. So I'm thankful my roommate in first year of undergrad introduced me to stitching.

5. DH

I feel like I would be an entirely different person without DH, and maybe not as good a person. My parents are judgmental and closed-minded and if I hadn't met someone completely unlike that, what would I be like now? 

6. Grandma

This kind of goes with #5. It's possible I could have turned out like my Grandma, and that would have been just fine. She's a wonderful person that always accepted anything we told her or any problems we had and just listened and didn't try and solve them necessarily. She would occasionally offer advice if we wanted it, but just listening was something my parents never seemed to do. 

7. Hockey

Although I have issues with my parents, they did support me in hockey and take me to practices and tournaments at ungodly hours, so I am thankful they helped me with that. I also love playing hockey and when I play I can forget about everything else in the world except that moment when I'm playing. 

8. Good Friends

I don't get together a lot with friends, but it's never weird when we do, we just pick up from where we left off. We're somewhat separated now with distance, but there's always Facebook. 

9. Siblings

I think I have pretty decent siblings overall and we get along well even though we're separated by fairly large distances most of the time. 

10. Sight

Working in the eye business I have never taken my eyes or vision for granted. You only get the one set and disease can set in at any time. 

I hope you enjoyed the list and don't forget to check Kate's and Keeb's lists! The links are at the top. 

Happy Stitching,


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sunday Stitching and a New Game?

It's been a busy week and weekend and I've been doing more finishing than stitching, but there has been a very small amount of stitching as well. 

I managed to put together both White Wolves and Homeward Trail in their frames, but I only got a photo of White Wolves before I wrapped them both. I will try and get a photo of Homeward Trail once it's unwrapped. Here's White Wolves:

I also managed a small amount of stitching on a project or two that I will leave quiet for now.

I'm going on a trip soon to deliver White Wolves and Homeward Trail. I didn't finish the Song of the Weather afghan, so that is still a WIP. My new game is:

Can You Guess Which Project I Will Take With Me On Vacation?

I have a lot of WIPs, so I'll give you 10 to choose from that I'm likely to stitch on and at the end of my vacation I'll show you the photos and reveal the winners. I'll leave this open until U.S. Thanksgiving (November 26) to give everyone a shot at guessing. 

I plan to give away some Jodyri threads since I've really enjoyed stitching with them and since I've signed up for the monthly club I have some spares since I don't know that I'll ever stitch that many projects with variegated thread. 

10 Most Likely WIPs

1. Sleigh Ride by Dimensions

In a perfect world I'd get this finished up by Xmas, even with starting on new fabric. I do really like this 25 count pewter Lugana I traded out for the 14 count aida. It was so stiff and horrible to work with! I think I'll start at the top and work down instead of cross-country stitching. 

2. Tribal Dragon by WWS

I love this one and can't wait to have it finished up and in DD's room. The wings are almost completed and then will come the head and spine in one colour and the underbelly will be a nice variegated Waterlily thread. I'm really looking forward to progressing on this one. 

3. Song of the Weather afghan

I left August a little over half done and if I really get a move on this could be complete for Xmas for my Grandma this year. And I do enjoy stitching the hardanger mostly. I think I have a handle on wrapping so I don't tense my wrists as much. 

4. Ho Ho Ho

I'm well on the way with the tree in this one and since each element uses variegated thread it's a relatively easy stitch. I think this one again could be easily completed by Xmas. 

5. Butterfly Quote by Jodyri Designs

This has been a great project to try out Jodyri's threads and I have really found stitching with them easy and they seem to stay untangled very well. There's a good amount in each skein and I'm hopeful I won't need more than one skein to finish each part. This will be another gift for DD once I get it done. 

6. Ladyfee Xmas SAL

This is a little unlikely for an Xmas finish, but it's a simple design on Anne Cloth, so it's certainly a nice, easy stitch and not as many colours to bother with as the stocking (#1 above). I even know that I'd like to finish it as a long pillow for our couch. 

7. Twilight Race Cars

I really love this design and DH loves it too. Both his birthday and Xmas are in December, so it would be nice to finish it. There aren't a lot of colour changes and I love that the fabric I chose closely resembles the blue background so it sort of emerges from the fabric. 

8. Maple Leaf by AAN

White Wolves is a finish for my brother and I'm debating about sending this one out to my SIL. She loves maple leaves and this design is so fun, plus since I'm stitching it on 14 count it's stitched up rather quickly and easily. 

9. The Princess and the Dragon

I love working on this one! It's so fun and I'm getting to a point where it's going to get exciting with nearing the Princess and all these different elements and bits. It's been hard to put down to finish the other projects as well, even though this is still a long ways from a finish. 

10. 2014 Xmas SAL by Helene et Mahelia

This is so close to a finish! All it needs is some DMC 3865 and some backstitch and it will be complete. It might be the perfect traveling piece if I could only remember where I've put the thread. 

Those are your choices, so please give it a shot and one hint is I may bring more than one project to work on. 

Also, I don't post about world issues, but, 

Je Suis Parisienne,


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Top 10 Tuesdays - 10 Things to Leave on a Deserted Island

This week I'm posting on time, yay! And I hope you'll visit Kate's and Keebs' blogs to check out their lists. 


This one is a bit of a puzzler for me. Mostly all I can think of are old bosses or emotions that I don't like in myself like negativity and anxiety. But I don't really like to bring up old history since I know we learn from mistakes, etc., but if I dwell on them I start feeling crappy like I did when things happened. I'll do what I can and see if I can come up with 10. :)

1. Stephen Harper

I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate what he did to Canada. I feel like when I was growing up Canada was respected and a peacekeeping nation. He wanted to destroy all our natural resources and sell them off to the highest bidder and forget about the Kyoto accords. I'm really happy he was finally ousted. 

2. Power Hungry Warlords

Unfortunately there's way too many of these to mention. It's a sad state, but that's where we are.

3. That Guy at the Dealer that "Fixed" my sunroof

The sunroof on my new car rattled. I talked to the dealer, they said bring it in to get it fixed. I brought it in. They "fixed" it. I went to put up the sun shade after I left the dealer and the entire thing fell out of the sunroof and all over the car and me as I was driving! And it was damaged of course. I turned around and went back to the dealer and they tried to make me pay for it.. No way, not happening. So they installed a new one crappily and it has folds... oh, and my sunroof still rattles.

4. People Who Turn Left in front of me at green lights

I don't know if this is just a Vermont thing, but it's incredibly common and so annoying and dangerous too!! I have no idea what they teach people here in driver's ed, but it's not working.

5. Mosquitoes

Since 90% of the bats have died in our area mosquitoes are rampant every year. I would love to never have to deal with them again. 

6. Graco strollers

We've had a ton of problems with this stroller since we got it. The wheels stick, the front jogging wheel gets locked for no reason, it's such a pain and I'm happy that I haven't managed to give DD whiplash when it stops suddenly for no reason. 

7. Oriental Bittersweet Vine

Our gardens and trees are infested with this horrible, invasive, murdering vine. It kills anything it can, even itself to use the dead branches as scaffolding to grow higher and higher. We saved a small maple tree the first year we moved in and it still has scars from the vine strangling it. We pull out reams and reams of it every year and it keeps coming back. It's not as strong, but we're looking at a 5 year plan to maybe get rid of it. 
my tree shortly after vine was removed
8. Yellow Hawkweed

Another very invasive plant, this time in the lawn. We have several patches that came with the house (!) and this year we tried a few different ways of getting rid of it. The best way seems to be burning the area with a torch and then putting down patch grass seed. That made a big difference in one large area. We hope to get the rest of it next year and keep it from making the lawn a big wasteland like it has to others in the area. 

This is a really cunning plant and if you try only cutting it with the lawnmower then it grows more linearly instead. And the roots have like 20 some odd rootlets per plant.. insane!

9. The Neverending Presidential Election Campaigns

It feels like as soon as a President is elected in the USA, then the race for re-election begins. This time has felt interminable and the election isn't even until next year! Granted some of the candidates are exciting, but this goes on way too long. I realize the media does it, but does anyone actually like this? I suppose they must or the media wouldn't make such a big deal over it. 

10. Yellow Jackets

After getting stung by one last year I hope to never have that happen again and never to anyone else either. That is incredibly painful and I don't think they're that useful, but I don't really know. If it doesn't damage the world irreparably let's stick them on a desert island.

Hope you enjoyed the list, what would you choose?


Turtle Trot - November Edition

We're on the home stretch fellow Trotters and now our host Claudette is back in the blogosphere as well, yay! Fingers crossed life continues to settle down for her. 

I worked extensively on Homeward Trail this month since I hoped to have it finished for a November birthday gift. It went from here:

the fabric is more blue like in the top photo, but when I finished I used a flat surface for the above photo and those lights are more yellow. The point is I'm done!!! So excited and I hope to get it mounted and framed tonight. I finally found a good 12x12 frame.

I had a moment of panic when I thought the top serged edge of the fabric might show through, but I think I'll be just okay. We'll see and fingers crossed!

I also finished July Song of the Weather:

and started August:

I have finished the Kloster blocks, but I forgot to take a new photo. This will clearly not be finished by the time I see my Grandma, but I might finish it in time for an Xmas present and my parents can pick it up when they visit. I was debating about taking it with me, but it's somewhat bulky and requires concentration during the wrapping at least. 

I'm still debating what projects I'll take with me. I'd like to make good progress on my new start of DD's stocking, but with all the colour changes that will be kind of involved as well I'd think. But it would be nice to be done for Christmas. Here's what it will look like:

I hope you all had a good month and Happy Turtling! I'm going to add Warbreaker and Skitzzzzz' fractal to my Turtle Trot list. They haven't been touched since January. That brings me back up to 10 projects in my list which will make it easy for next year if Claudette runs this again. I hope she feels up to it!



See you next month and Happy Stitching!


Monday, November 9, 2015

Top 10 Tuesdays - 10 Things to Bring to a Deserted Island

I'm a week late on posting this, so I'll have two Top 10 Tuesdays posts today. This is last weeks:


1. Cross Stitch Stash
image from
If I could bring my cross stitch stash then I might actually be able to finish it all! That would be pretty amazing and currently highly improbably.

2. Books

Books would be extremely useful to keep insanity/loneliness at bay. I could even use them for kindling if I was desperate. And if I was trapped with someone else then they could read to me as I stitch. :)

3. Family

Does the island still count as deserted if I have family there? I would love to have DH and DD with me if I ever got marooned since I can't really imagine life without them. I lucked out with DH and at this point we're almost 17 years strong. And my cat fits in with family too. He'd have a great time exploring and getting himself stuck up trees, etc.

4. Music

It would be hard to live without my extensive play list, but certainly possible. I'd like something to make music with, although depending on the island there would be coconuts most likely. So I could pretend I was a horse if nothing else. ;)

5. Yarn

I also knit occasionally and have a decent amount of stash there too, so having that around might let me finish something and maybe even attempt another sweater or cables! Whoop!

6. Solar power

Some way to harvest the sun's energy to power things would be great. I doubt I can get electronic devices to survive sun and sand for very long, but possibly to power rudimentary mechanics? Or just some way to keep heat around overnight.

7. Chocolate or Cocoa Beans

If I could plant cocoa plants then I could have chocolate any time! Of course I'd also want some sugar cane so I could sweeten it likely. 

8. Sugar Cane

I have no idea how to care for this, but hopefully I could figure out how to grow it so I could have a sweet treat any time. 

9. Thick, durable clothes

If I'm going to be there a while, I'd like something that will last. Clearly these clothes will eventually fall apart, so unless I can figure out how to knit all articles of clothing, these initial clothes will need to be really good. 

10. Hiking boots

Like the above, something that would last for a good long while would be required. 

I hope you enjoyed the list and that you checked out Keebs' and Kate's lists last week. 

Happy Stitching,


Thursday, November 5, 2015

What the? More Missing Stitches?

On Wednesday I posted about how I'd missed some stitches while I was completing the cross stitch and back stitch on Homeward Trail. I found one area while I was beading that I had missed and I thought I'd have a giveaway and see if anyone else could find where I missed stitches. 

Shelly of the An Arizona Stitcher blog found even more stitches I had missed!! Some I hadn't even noticed! So a big prize coming to you Shelly and my sincere thanks. 

Here's the original photo again:

And these were the missing stitches I was talking about originally:

I had forgotten the bottom right arrow within the bottom oval. I noticed it as I added beads around the stitching so it now looks like the others like this:

But Shelly noticed I had missed some other stitches entirely and I didn't even see these ones:

I tried to center the area as much as possible so you can see what's missing. There should be a group of 4 stitches in a cross like you can see diagonally downward and left and the same diagonally downward and left again in the repeated pattern. It's there in the original photo (the first one in this post) as well. This photo above looks a little more blue since it's my I-thought-I-was-finished photo. 

Now you'll have to wait one more day while I finish this off for real this time. :) 

Thank you again Shelly! And please email me if you didn't receive my email. 

Happy Stitching,


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

WIP Wednesday and Being Naughty ;)

I finished!!! I'm all done Homeward Trail, but I took a horrible photo and if you can't wait to see it, it's here. Be careful, it's sideways. I will work on taking better photos tonight and mounting it. 

I was busy yesterday evening because the Cross Stitch Forum is having Stashmas and our mail-out date is today. I'm waiting on one more thing before I mail out, but I got plan B ready just in case. 

I managed a little bit of stitching on Princess and the Dragon:
 from here
to here

There was more below, but then I made a counting error and had to pull out about 100 stitches, or all the work I did last night. Boo... but at least the fabric held up really well to pulling out 1 over 1 on 28 count, so good on Chromatic Alchemy Jazlyn! 

I also have a small amount of progress on LK's HoHoHo. I keep this as my stitching-in-the-car project so it doesn't grow very quickly. 

I'm very happy with how the photo turned out since the fabric does look black for once. I try and take a photo with some of the white chart in it, then crop it out and sometimes it turns out exactly how I want it to. Having something white in the photo helps the white balance be a little more accurate. DH, being a photographer, helped me with that tip. :)

And because I'm holding out on you with photos of Homeward Trail, how about a giveaway? If you can find an area of missing stitches, not beads, in Monday's large photo (below), then I'll send you the giveaway of your choice. I have fabric, kits, threads or charts up for grabs. 

EDIT: There are beads missing in the bottom left corner, but no stitches. 

If there are a lot of correct guessers I'll use a random number generator, if only one person guesses correctly, then they'll win. Let's leave this open until 3PM EST tomorrow, November 5th. 

Good luck and happy stitching!


February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...