Thursday, November 26, 2015

What I Took On My Vacation and the Winners!

First off, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating! I hope you all get the day off and can have some stitching time. 

And, what did I bring with me on vacation? Well, the choices were tough, but I did stitch on everything I brought with me, all 3 of them!

I stitched on:

1. Sleigh Ride

I really wanted to progress on this one and I managed a decent start after having to frog my start twice! I decided to work from the top down on this one and I certainly hope I counted correctly. :) 

I was happy with my progress, but since it was all half stitch it seemed like the fabric was starting to stretch while I was stitching in hand. I decided to wait until I could use my Qsnaps and put it down after only one night of stitching. 

2. Tribal Dragon

I managed a lot of work on this one! I was really close to finishing the last of the dark blue on the wings when I left and I managed to start the green of the dragon's body:
 Kind of looks like a horse here :)
A little more like a dragon

The Caron Waterlily threads are so nice to work with. Very smooth working 1 over 1 on 25 count lugana. I have 2 more colours to add, so keep posted for updates!

5. Butterfly Quote

Another fun one! I managed to finish part of the 2nd word on the top line. It will read "just when the" eventually. This is easy with Jodyri's lovely threads and 2 over 1 on 14 count. 

So that's it! I brought 3 projects and managed some progress on each one. That means the winners of the Jodyri threads giveaways are:

Katie of Sew Dance for guessing #2 and #5 - Double prize pack coming your way Katie!
Katie of Jeremiah's Mom for guessing #1
Linda of Stitching with my Furbabies for guessing #2

Thanks everyone for joining in and I will be in touch with the winners later today, or feel free to contact me first. :) 

Special thanks to Mii Stitch for playing even though she didn't want to be included in the giveaway. You were correct with Tribal Dragon! 

Happy Stitching and Happy Thanksgiving!



Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...