Monday, March 30, 2015

Back Home and a New LNS

I was away for the weekend at a conference and with the help of a great CSF member I located a cross stitch shop on the way. It's called Battenkill Stitchery and a lot of the stock is needlepoint now, which is apparently big in the area, but she still had a nice amount of cross stitch to look through. 

I found these goodies:

Some nice Mill Hill tree ornament kits on 50% off and a Vermont cross stitch chart as well as the WDW threads I need to finish my alphabet bears and WW Tribal Basset. I also found a nice piece of 28 count linen for Brodeuse Bressane's Fleur de Lys. I think I have the white thread I need already for that one. 

I started one of the kits during the conference and I managed a fair amount:

I also finished my Easter card so I need to get it on the card and mailed away ASAP. It will likely be late as it is. 

I really love that Wildflowers Peach Melba, it's such a great colour for this. I hope everyone else had a great weekend as well! I'll have to catch up on all your doings tomorrow. 

Happy Stitching,


Monday, March 23, 2015

IHSW - March Conclusion

IHSW is over for another month. Check out everyone's stitching over at Random Ramblings.

Apparently I'm feeling flighty lately because I kept switching projects this weekend. I did a small amount of work on White Wolves and took it out of the Qsnaps to finish some of the back stitch and take a photo of the entire piece so far. 

I worked most of the time on WW Tribal Basset. I'm really enjoying how it's coming together, although I think I'm going to be short 2 skeins of the thread I'm using, WDW Mascara. Since I'm also short 2 skeins for my Alphabet Bears at least this will be enough for an order once I get my tax return. 

Here's where WW Basset is at now, and I managed to get a better photo of the fabric:

I'm almost at the very back and will begin his back leg soon. I'd like to finish this within the next week or so if possible, but then I decided to get a few cards made for Easter since I let St. Patrick's Day slip by without making anything. 

The first one is stitched with Waterlilies Peach Melba and I think it's the perfect colour for an Easter Egg. The design is a free one from Passion Broderie and I read about the site on Cross Stitch Review. I think it will take a couple more days if not longer. 

Hope everyone had a great IHSW!


Friday, March 20, 2015

Found It! (WW Basset)

I found my WW Basset the next night and have 2 nights of progress on it. Only one night had a lot of progress though because I got home late the next night.  Maybe with IHSW I'll be able to get a little farther on this weekend. 

The fabric colour is a little more brown than this, but I can't photograph it well with my phone. This is the middle of the basset and I plan on stitching the back end ;) first. I'm going to adjust the feet a little. I'd like to make the pattern a little smaller for the back feet and larger for the front feet so it matches our basset a little better. He had massive front paws and teeny back paws as most purebred bassets do. 

Otto demonstrates this well in his pumpkin costume from 2012. I still miss you!

Happy Stitching, and Happy IHSW everyone!


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Rough Day and WW Tribal Dragon Progress and a New Start in the Offing?

Last night was rough at work. I can't really describe the details, but my feelings of vulnerability are nothing compared to others. I needed to stitch something monochromatic and thoughtless and I had hoped to work on WW Tribal Basset, but it has disappeared since I cleaned my stitching off of the guest bed when my parents visited. 14 count and black seemed to fit what I needed. 

However, when it didn't turn up I chose WW Tribal Dragon, another soothing monochromatic, even if it's on 25 count Lugana. 

This is where I left off in January:

And I managed to finish off the second blue area and start on the last dark blue section. 

I'm still feeling off after a night of not-enough sleep, so I may continue on with this one, or WW Basset if I can find it. 14 count stitching would be easier than 25 count, but I am happy to progress on this one and am still hopeful for a finish this year. 

In happier news I joined a new group on Facebook for Liz Almond's Box of Delights and I plan to start after I have 10 finishes. That seems like a good reward. :)

I think I'll use the fabric that I won in a recent giveaway on Chromatic Alchemy's Facebook page. If you haven't seen her amazing fabrics yet, check it out! She has a variety of fabrics and some outstanding colours. 

Thinking of a new start has already helped ease some of the rawness; as if I needed any more proof I have startitis...

Happy Stitching all,


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Another UFO Marches On and IHSW

Joyce of Random Ramblings has her IHSW sign-ups ready for this weekend. Don't forget to sign up and join in for a weekend of stitching!

I dug out Good Life last night since I only had a short time to stitch instead of getting out the more complicated White Wolves. 

A little bit of work gets it to here:

and the eyes look a little better and less bizarre now that they're filled in. 

Also, my cat was being very bizarre last night and ended up in this "broken cat" position. In case you can't tell, there are 2 back legs and one front leg showing. :)

Happy Stitching,


Monday, March 16, 2015

White Wolves Progress

I'm continuing work on the left side of this piece. White Wolves is intended as a 50th birthday present for my brother and it's my oldest WIP/UFO currently. It dates back to at least 2003 or 2004. 

I'd like to say I'll continue on to a finish, but I know that is pretty unlikely. I think I might try and extend a little more into the unstitched area on the right side, but I'd also like to make sure the back stitch is complete on the left side. 

I'm very happy with the progress so far. This has needed a lot of love for a long time, and I really don't know why it's taken me so long to finish. Too many shiny, new projects likely. :)

And that's another reason I don't think I'll finish it any time soon. The other Crazy January Challenge projects are starting to clamor since some of them haven't been touched in 2 months. 

We'll see how it goes and I'll keep you updated. Thank you as always for any comments, they definitely help my stitching motivation!

Happy Stitching,


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Happy Pi Day - and Wish is Finished!

Happy Pi Day everyone! We made squash pie tonight with coconut whipped cream. They turned out perfectly and didn't last very long. 

I didn't manage to get any photos of them, but I did get a pic of my latest finish, Dimensions Wish kit. 

Thank you again dear friend for the gift! I love this one and I think it will be perfect in DD's room. It fits well since her hair is often messy. 

I think I'll go back to White Wolves for a bit now, and I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Happy Stitching,


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Turtle Trot - March Edition

Turtle Trot is hosted by the amazing Claudette at BAP Attack. Turtle Trot is a great way to work on the large projects that need some love, even if there's no hope of finishing them in the next few years. 

Instead, I chose 10 projects with some hope of finishing a few of them this year. There are some true Turtle Trot projects in this group that will take years, but I chose 10, now 11, that I hope to work on the most this year. 

5. Dimensions Wish - I worked a lot on this project this past month and I think I might continue until it's finished, but we'll see. Here it is now:

7. White Wolves got a little bit of love as well:

8. Fry and Leela - FINISHED!

I haven't worked on any others this month, but I'm especially proud of my finish on Fry and Leela. That's been a WIP since 2012. 

I'd like to add another one to my 10 in progress, so I'll add in Homeward Bound, another one that needs a lot of love to get finished. 

Happy Stitching!


Sunday, March 8, 2015


I'm a day late again for the YOTA SAL! I will admit to concentrating only on piece this past month, White Wolves. It started here:

And I finished here for this month:

This is mostly just the left side in the branching tree. I think I'm ready to pull this out again soon, but I confess I've felt like stitching other things this past month. 

My other YOTA projects did not see any progress at all, but maybe next month! I'm off to check out our lovely host, Pull the Other Thread to cheer on everyone else. 

I hope everyone else did better, and happy stitching!


Friday, March 6, 2015

Progress on Wish

I have family visiting this weekend, so I'm not sure how much more stitching I'll get in this week. I've managed a decent amount on Wish and am now at the far left edge as well. I'll likely alternate with straight cross stitch and backstitch to finish it off. That should keep it interesting and fun until the finish. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Happy stitching,


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Updates and Finish #6

I had a very busy week at work with someone away, so I decided I was only up to simple, monochromatic type stitching. That helped me to finish off Squiggle Tree from my Crazy January Challenge. 

I finished it on Friday, but I haven't had time to post about it until now. 

I also dug out Wish to work on. I felt like continuing with something small with limited colours instead of digging out White Wolves with all the blends. It's gorgeous, but the blends drive me a little mental. 

Here's Wish right now:

I'm enjoying this one, even all the backstitch. It's a fairly simple stitch and again on 14 count makes it easier for my eyes after a long work day. There are large clumps of the same colour that I'll start to work on soon and break it up with some backstitch so it's not the same stitch over and over. 

I feel like I might finish this before going back to Wolves, but we'll see. We have company coming this weekend and that might cut into my stitching time, or lead me to pick up something else. We've been catching up on Grimm and are finishing up season 2 now on Amazon. I really enjoy the supporting cast on this show. 

Happy Stitching!


February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...