Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Gifted Gorgeousness and the Nor'Easter of March 2017

Over yesterday and today there was a blizzard warning in our area and they weren't kidding this time! This is what we woke up to today:
 The height of the snow on top of my Beetle.. yes, a small car
 The dent left over after I backed up enough to where the driveway was plowed
 Mostly pre-snow removal. I started with the headlight, then realized it was a cool photo with the lights coming through the snow
Trying to get out the door

I think we ended up with well over 2 feet, but I didn't actually measure. And now on to stitching! The best thing to do when the blizzard is going on outside, sit inside and stitch. :)

Here's my March Gifted Gorgeousness post and be sure to check out everyone else's links at our wonderful host, Jo's blog

I managed to finish my March design by Palko-lap:
2 over 1 with Jodyri Diligence on unknown Chromatic Alchemy 14 count?

Kiss for a Snowman

I pulled this out at the hockey tournament this past weekend and got over an hour into it. You can see the before photo on Monday's post. This will eventually be for DD, maybe by Xmas?

Princess and the Dragon

This will also be for DD when I get it completed. I'm not expecting a finish this year, but maybe next? I hope to keep at this next week and at least finish off the left side where I had made a mistake. 

Autumn's Promise

A new start on a RAK! It will eventually look like this:

Mini Winter Magic

Another RAK from a few years ago and this one got a little more of the top right corner completed. 

I'm not sure what else to work on this week. I'm thinking about working on the April monthly design to make sure I mail it off before Easter to my Grandma. March isn't going to get there by St. Patrick's Day since I got a little behind. 

I hope you all had a good month of GG stitching and Happy Stitching!



  1. Part of me wishes we would could get snow like that and then I think of the cold and wish explodes!

  2. Wow, you've got some lovely pieces going on there! And I like the fabric you've chosen for each one too! We were under that snow warning too, but I don't think we even got an inch...mostly ice. Glad you were able to get some stitching done!

  3. Gorgeous your stitching. Here it is nearly summer time.... Winter? Already forgotten. A pitty because I love skiing, but it is effectively too warm in the mountains and the snow just smells away.
    Smacks Woody

  4. Oh my, so much going on in the stitching department, I do wish I could have more then one design going at once, I get too nervous knowing I have more then one going.
    We only had five inch's of snow, we were on the edge of the storm here in Minnesota.
    Love your March finish, I am 1/3 Irish.


  5. Lovely stitching and cute finish Tiffany. I love the snow pics.


  6. Wow, like a snow kingdom!

    I like your processes, nice titching to them.


  7. Wow that's a lot of snow. I like how you are not depressed by it and still smiling. Good progress on all the projects.

    1. Oh, that's nothing to frown about. I woke up to a storm that was waist-high one time in March. We need snow, it's good for tourism and to re-fill the lake. We were almost in drought conditions last year.

  8. Yep, that's a lot of snow! Shut the door, go back inside & stitch!!! Heaven :)
    Lovely progress on your various projects.

  9. Beautiful projects on very lovely fabrics. I am enjoying watching your progress. Those snow photos are scary - coming as I do from an area which never has snow, it just amazed me to see so much snow.

  10. Now that is a lot of snow... stay inside and stitch, the best place to be.

  11. Wow that is quite some snowfall. It's been years since we had a decent snowfall here. Love the thread for March. I've finally started working on mine. Princess and the dragon looks good. I do love that fabric.

  12. Thanks for taking part in GG this month. What a lot of snow! I think the only time we've had that much was when we lived in Yorkshire further North in England.
    Great work on your gifted pieces, what else can you do when the weather is like that?

  13. There you go rubbing in your snow pics again haha. So beautiful. I would love to see snow that deep. Love all your beautiful stitching. Congrats on finishing the March piece too.

  14. So much snow! We've not gotten much at all. It does concern me that the summer will be just awful. I hope not, but I'm trying to be mentally prepared.

    Your projects look great! Your little March project is so cute! I'm really enjoying watching your progress on Princess and the Dragon.

    1. I hope your weather won't be too bad in the summer. I'm hopeful ours won't be as bad as last year with a real winter this year, but we'll have to see. Thank you!

  15. Love all of your projects; they're quite pretty--and ambitious! Kiss for a Snowman seems particularly appropriate! We've had no snow at all this year until this past Monday and Tuesday--crazy weather.

  16. Look at all that snow! We had a few inches, but nothing like that.

    1. We haven't had this much in a while, but it will keep the skiers happy. :)

  17. Lovely stitching!! I like your snow selfie:)
    It must be a huge task to clear off that much snow.

  18. I don't envy you all that snow. You are working on a nice selection of projects. I've yet to stitch a St. Patrick's day design and I'm Irish!

  19. Pretty projects on the go and a great finish. Amazing snow fall to wake up to.

  20. Yes, nothing for it but to stay in and stitch! I love the dragon charts, and you seem to be stitching a lot of snow too!

  21. Lovely work on your projects =) I especially love Mini Winter Magic, it has been in my stash for ages but I didn't get round to starting it so far, so I enjoy yours =)

  22. OMG!!! That's definitely a lot of snow for mid-March. I can only remember one year when we were having 20 inches in March and we could only get to work with the nonskid chains on although the snow ploughs were clearing the roads without interruption. I just hope that it doesn't last too long at your place.
    Nice progress on all your projects. And a lovely little March finish.

  23. Lots and lots of snow - looks gorgeous to me. Lots and lots of lovely stitching - looks even more gorgeous!

  24. Oh wow, that's a lot of snow - and here I was complaining about the rain we had last weekend! I agree with your plan to stay inside and stitch and how you can get lots more done :)

  25. Wow, look at that snow! That is the kind of snow I like to visit. =) Your stitching looks great!

  26. Cute picture of you in the snow. Ok, maybe I'm glad we didn't get that much!
    At least you had plenty of stitching to keep you busy inside. I'm loving the dragon!


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...