Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Top 5 Tuesdays: Top 5 WIPs to Finish This Year

This week's Top 5 Tuesday is an open choice. Thanks Kate for a great idea and I hope a lot of people join in this week! Make sure you check out everyone's links on the right side of Kate's blog as well. :)


I like making these lists to try and remind myself what I hope to complete this year. 

1. Letters by Nora S, H, G

As of last look:
 All cross stitch and back stitch complete with charted colours 2 over 2 on 28 ct Nuriel's Forest by Chromatic Alchemy
 Lots to do!
Even more to do! But will wait until H is complete to make sure it's centered well. 

2. AAN Spider Banner

The fabric colour is true on the top photo. I'm stitching 2 over 2 on 32 ct opalescent mystery fabric I received as a RAK. I ran out of the purple colour, WDW Cyclamen. Kathy from The Wooden Needle will be sending me some. She stocks a full line of WDW, only she had no spot for Cyclamen, so apparently it wasn't a full list. She was happy I had needed it so she can fill out her collection as well. 

3. Letters from Nora - L

I need to finish this for a friend. I have A framed, K finished, but not fully finished and this one has been waiting. So fully finishing K is a goal this year as well. 

4. Do Not Meddle

This is my last stunt stitching to finish for a friend that can't really stitch anymore. I had hoped to finish it last year, but didn't get there. I will have to restart as we discussed the fabric she sent and I started more horizontally, but she's thinking vertical might be better. This was only one night of work, so it shouldn't take long to restart. 

5. Reflections of Canada

I'm looking forward to getting back to this one and I hope to finish by July 1st, Canada's 150th birthday! 

Thanks for reading my list and cheering me on to get these finished. Happy Stitching!



  1. Oooh, you have a new layout on your blog! Looks great! :)
    Love your choices and hope you can get them finish this year.
    Couldn't help but admiring all those lovely fabrics you're stitching on :)

  2. That's always the same question: which of the WIPs do we want to finish? I'm regularly browsing through my list of WIPs and look for the one or two that needs to be finished, but it's always a different one, lol. Good luck with yours.

  3. Wonderful choices Tiffany. I keep thinking about what I want to work on next year for my So Many Stitches a Week challenge. Want to join me?


  4. I like the new blog layout! You chose some great designs to finish this year - now it's in writing you have no excuses!

  5. Great list, I hope you meet your goals as there are some lovely projects.

  6. Lovely designs Tiffany.I love the AAN Spider Banner.I like the layout of your blog too.
    I will raise a glass to Canada's 150th birthday on 1st July,my great grandfather was Canadian:)

  7. Nice new layout. I kept reloading because I thought it loaded wrong haha. Great list. Good luck with all of them! I look forward to cheering you along.

  8. Lovely list of 5 great WIPs :o) Looking forward to seeing them as finishes this year!
    Hugs x

  9. Great WIPs!! NC letters are my favourite :)

  10. How many of the Nora letters have you got? They are rather addictive!
    Love the IC Canada design too. And dragons.

  11. Lots of lovely projects to keep you busy.

  12. S is sooo close!! I have H, too..unstarted but kitted. Let me know if you want to do a SAL!

  13. Great list, Tiff! I'll look forward to seeing lots of progress from you.

  14. I'm looking forward to seeing you finish all those lovely projects! Judging by Jo's blog, those letters go rather quickly...


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...