Friday, December 31, 2021

2021 Wrap-Up, Man I Have A Lot of WIPs!

This year I went off the rails a bit on starts. There were a few reasons for this, one the end of Stitch Maynia by the people who started it off, Olympics and Paralympics and Mischievous March and Naughty November. I'm sure I snuck in a few other starts just for fun as well. The #nonewstarts group is never going to be one I'm up for, I enjoy starting things too much. 

Let's have a look at all the projects I started this year and please check out the WIPs or Completions page if you're interested in seeing any progress or finishes. 

1. Amazing Animal Kingdom by Aimee Stewart/HAED - 35802/374500 (9.56%)
2. Love by Durene Jones - completed
3. Canadian Hero by Stitching Jules Designs - 401/53850 (0.74%)
4. Mouse Trilogy Mill Hill 19-2013 - completed
5. Mouse Trilogy Mill Hill 19-2011 - completed
6. Blackwork Easter freebie - completed
7. Flower Pattern #1 - completed
8. Flower Pattern #2 - completed
9. Flower Pattern #3 - completed
10. Flower Pattern #4 - completed
11. Soccer Player by Handblessings
12. Christmas Assisi Sampler by Kincavel Krosses - completed
13. Shamrock by Erica Michaels - completed
14. Irish at Heart by Jennifer Akon - completed
15. Spring Hare by Erica Michaels - completed
16. Kathleen and Summer by Hannah Lynn/HAED - 550/200000 
17. Halloween Freebie by Passione Ricamo
18. Universal Monsters B&W by Witchy Stitcher
19. Easter Bunny and Moon by Chatelaine - completed
20. Stocking #1 by Jane Henderson
21. Stocking #2 by Jane Henderson - completed
22. Stocking #3 by Jane Henderson
23. Snowball Fight by Gitta
24. Oo-de-lally by Circus Stitches - completed
25. Deck the Halls Christmas Sampler by Kincavel Krosses - completed
26. Noel Tree by Kincavel Krosses - completed (and FFO!)
27. Samurai by Fire Wing Designs
28. Bibliophile Bookmark by Kincavel Krosses
29. Bibliophile Bookmark by Kincavel Krosses - completed
30. Joyeux Noel by Jardin Privé
31. Believe in the Magic of Christmas by Durene Jones
32. Assisi Tree (unknown designer)
33. Simply Christmas by Whispered by the Wind
34. Patch Christmas Tree by Angie Designer - completed
35. Christmas Birdhouse #1 by Durene Jones
36. Christmas Birdhouse #2 by Durene Jones
37. Stormlight Archive Quotes by Taylor and Cromwell - 6745/13532 (49.84%)
38. Holiday Quaker by Lila's Studio
39. Noel by Bent Creek
40. Ondulations by Jardin Privé
41. It's a Wonderful Life Mill Hill 14-2035
42. Symphonie Romana by Summer House Stitche Workes
43. Normal is Just a Setting on the Washer by Lizzie Kate
44. Pumpkin Patch by Lois Winston
45. Joyeux Noel #1 by Hands on Design
46. Joyeux Noel #2 by Hands on Design
47. Joyeux Noel #3 by Hands on Design
48. Winter Feast by Mill Hill
49. Zelda Cross Stitch 
50. Warm Winter Wishes by Waxing Moon Designs
51. Thistle Stop by Crossed Wing Collection
52. Hummingbird Garden by Crossed Wing Collection
53. Happy Christmas by Prairie Schooler
54. Motherhood by Selena French/HAED - 1955/58013 (3.37%)
55. Jim Shore Nordic Santa by Mill Hill 20-1911
56-67 - Dragons 1-12 by StitchItPicasso
68. Skating Snowman by Mill Hill 16-2133
69. Trick or Treat by Anne Stokes/Paine Free Crafts - 4531/126400 (3.58%)
70. Spring Snapperland by Bent Creek - completed
71. Cryptid SAL by Witchy Stitcher
72. Moonrise Ornament #1 by WBTW - completed
73. Moonrise Ornament #2 by WBTW - completed
74. Moonrise Ornament #3 by WBTW - completed
75. Moonrise Ornament #4 by WBTW - completed
76. Vermont Zentangle by crossstitch4everyone - 3109/23502 (13.23%)

WIPS carried forward and completed this year with the year they were started, if I could find it:
1. Dragon in the Round by point-de-croix (2015?)
2. Winter by Bent Creek (2019)
3. Full Moon by Cute Patterns by Maria (3/2018)
4. Princess and the Dragon by Charting Creations (8/2015)
5. Kiss for a Snowman by Dimensions(1/2016)
6. Blackwork Poppy by Jodyri (2019)
7. Loved You Yesterday by Cherry Hill Stitchery (2020)
8. Twilight Lemans by Heritage Stitchcraft (2/2016)
9. In the Gloaming by WBTW (2020)
10. Spooky Halloween by Durene Jones (2017)

There are also 43 other WIPs that were not completed this year, some weren't even worked on and some may never leave UFO status. So, let's do some math!

I have 49 WIPs left from 2021 from all the projects I started, plus the 43 I have listed in my WIPs page. There may be more somewhere that I've forgotten, but why don't we leave it at that since that's a grand total of 92!! Not quite triple digits either, just like Rachel. :)

That's actually less than I thought. I really thought I was over 100, but maybe finishing those last few before the end of the year helped get my numbers a bit lower. Perhaps that's why I had a bit of a frenzy to get those few finished. 

The New Year will bring at least one new start. Probably not tonight since I'm pretty tired after working, but I'll give you a little clue on what the fabric will look like. 

Any guesses? It's a companion piece to something I finished this past year. 

I hope you all have a very Happy New Year and may 2022 bring us some relief from the pandemic. 

Until then, at least there is cross stitch. Happy Stitching!


End of 2021

Here it is, the last post of 2021! And onto a New Year with lots of new stitching and some plans? First, I managed 2 other finishes and one is almost done, so we'll pretend it's a finish for the end of the year. I will get it completed before the end of the year EST. 

The 4th Moonrise ornament was finished earlier, but I forgot to post about it:
Moonrise Ornament #4 by WBTW
stitched 2 over 1 on 14ct Illusion Aida by Silkweavers
with DMC 167, 738, 3823, 3865 as well as RG blending filament in the moon

It's so nice to have all four ornaments complete! I also managed one more smallish finish from my myriad of starts this year:
Irish at Heart by Jennifer Akon? (have to check spelling)
stitched 1 over 1 with WDW Okefenokee and Cactus, unknown Soie Cristals and Waterlilies Plum
on 16 or 18ct light blue Aida

My parents went on a bus tour of Ireland a few years ago, well pre-COVID, and loved it so much! I think I'll try and manage to make this into a St. Patrick's Day card for them. My dad has become somewhat obsessed with Irish music, which isn't a bad thing. I surprised him this year though when DD and I were talking about the song Miss Fogarty's Christmas Cake and he hadn't heard of it. I sent him the link to watch it, since it's another great holiday one like Christmas in Kilarney. 

And the last one which is almost a finish, and would have been if I didn't have to get up to get to work early this morning, this is another Rainbow Gallery freebie when they had a bunch back in 2015(?). 
Easter Freebie by Erica Michaels through Rainbow Gallery's website
stitched 2 over 1 with Carrie's Creations Jellyfish for the border and unknown Dinky Dyes for the bunny, Glinda the Good by Jodyri for the ears, WDW Purple Haze for the eyes, 
WDW Camellia for the nose, and an unknown for the blue/green background 
on 16ct or 18ct light blue aida

So close!! But it was 12:30am by the time I took this photo and I need to be up by 6:45am at the latest to get to work on time. I have at least a 30 minute commute on a good day to get to work on time. 

My best friend from undergrad got a quarantine pet bunny over a year ago and he's just about this colour, so I might send this as a birthday card next year when I get it finished. Or maybe Easter?

I definitely won't have any more finishes than this before the end of the year, and I'll try and update my finishes page to show all of these. 

New Year's plans can wait for another post. Happy New Year!


Sunday, December 26, 2021

Finishing Frenzy?

I hope everyone that celebrates Christmas had a nice, relaxing day. We had lots of fun at our house. 

I've been somewhat distracted by finishing off some smaller projects these last few weeks, and it's been nice to whittle down the WIP list a bit. I started on finishing off the Hands on Design ornaments that are in French because we were supposed to see some of DH's family. It ended up being canceled because of the increased COVID-19 cases, but I continued on to finish all of them. Here they are:

Hands on Design Joyeux Noel
stitched 2 over 2 on 28ct grey/blue fabric, unknown designer
with DMC 310, WDW Okeefenokee on the top one and Etoile C321

These were fun little stitches and I recharted the top 2 red ornaments to have words in French as well. They're originally charted in English and I'm not really sure why when the large words are charted in French, including all the accents. I couldn't think of a good word for the bottom ornament, so just decorated it. 

Next I decided to try and keep finishing off the ones that are cluttering up my stitching stand, so that was one version of Bibliophile:
Bibliophile Blackwork Bookmark by Kincavel Krosses
stitched 1 over 1 on 28ct white Monaco
with Jodyri HunniBee

And I've started working on a couple other of the smaller ornaments I started for the various new start frenzies I had this year. I might pick up the Vermont one and try and get a few more thread lengths in before the end of the month as well. I didn't meet all the goals I had originally set at the start of this year, but a lot of them morphed into new ones, and that's okay too. 

Hope you're all having an enjoyable Boxing Day!

Happy stitching and stay well!


Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Advent Calendar Blog Hop 2021

Here it is again, time for Jo's annual Advent Blog Hop! I hope a lot of you have joined in with Jo's wonderful idea again this year and let's cheer on everyone's holiday-themed stitching. Click on her name to visit her page and start the blog hop. 

This year I managed a few Christmas and winter related finishes, and of course started several so there are still a lot of WIPs to work on. 

Jo's theme this year is our Christmas tree, and here's ours this year:

We always have an artificial tree. I always did as a child as well, except one year we had a real tree. I forget why we never did again. This is the first year we've put lights in the windows, and I've had the big blue Santa for the last two Christmases. It was one I gave to my Grandma over a decade ago and she always had it out in her room at her nursing home until she died. 

You can also see a small green 3D printed tree to the left of the large tree, that was a new addition last year when DH became obsessed with 3D printing. He also made a pink one for DD. Rudolph and Clarice were gifts from my Dad. 

We usually have our tree up some time in November, we love having it up and tend to leave it up till March as a "winter tree" :D You can just see Santa on top. That's a family thing, my Dad grew up with a light up Santa on top of the tree and we used to use a similar one, but it was a little damaged through age, so now we use this Santa. 

Some special ornaments are Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind, which was my Grandma's and we've all gained a few ornaments since she passed, so we hang those in her memory. You can see 2 basset hounds there, one stuffed and one ceramic. They're special because of the basset hound we had for 13 1/2 years. DH loves to add the stuffed bassets to peek out at you. 

Here are a couple stitched ornaments, one a gift and the other I stitched, plus another hidden basset!

And now that DD is more capable of making ornaments, the penguin was from last year and the flower was painted in school, and you can order the ornament with the art from a school-related website. She was also very helpful decorating the tree this year. 

On to the stitching, keeping in the tree theme, here's my alternate Christmas colours tree:
Patch Christmas Tree 1 by Angie Designer
stitched 1 over 1 on 28ct white Monaco with stash threads
 unknown Dinky Dyes, Caron Waterlilies parrot, Dinky Dyes Down Under Blues and Jodyri Oz the Great and Powerful, another unknown Dinky Dyes, DMC 3799 and Kreinik gold start, Etoile 699 for the lines

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season however you choose to celebrate it! Stay safe out there and Happy Stitching!


Tuesday, December 7, 2021

December Update 2021

You might think today will be a post about finishing up the last November start. And that's not exactly correct. I will post an update, but I've been a little distracted by the latest new shiny thing. And that is this zentangle design by crossstitch4everyone

It will eventually look like this:

The reason I wanted to start this one was I managed to find this gorgeous fabric from BeStitchMe, called Autumn. And with a nice DMC 904, This is where I'm at so far on this project:
Vermont Zentangle by crossstitch4everyone
stitched 1 over 1 full cross on 28ct Autumn by BeStitchMe

There's a challenge to stitch 30 minutes on this every day during December, so I've been doing a thread length a day. It's led to some decent progress and fortunately the chart shows up on Pattern Keeper, so that makes it easier as well. 

And here's where I'm at on ornament #4!
Moonrise #4 by Whispered by the Wind
stitched 2 over 1 on 14ct Illusion by Silkweavers
with DMC 310, 3799, 168, 735, 3865 and some RG blending filament on the moon

I need to get this one finished, but keep going back to the other project as well. I do need more DMC 904 since I only had one skein and I'll run out soon. 

Stay well and happy stitching!


Sunday, November 28, 2021

Naughty November 2021 Start #4

It's finally time for the last ornament, the most colourful of the bunch. The ornaments again will eventually look like this:

 And Rachel and I are SAL'ing these, but Faith and Mary have joined in too with different starts. Check out Rachel's post to see their progress as well. 

This is the only pattern that is chronologically correct with the photo! And here is my small start:
Moonrise Ornament #4 by Whispered by the Wind
stitched 2 over 2 on 14ct Illusion by silkweavers
as charted DMC with RG blending filament in the moon

I managed to finish #3 as well, which is here:

It's so nice to have 3/4 complete and I'll likely finish #4 before I start working on my WIP finishing frenzy for the rest of the year. I have no plans really, so will probably try and catch up on the cryptid SAL from Witchy Stitcher and see how it goes from there. 

I hope you've all been staying well!

Happy Stitching,


Monday, November 22, 2021

Naughty November 2021 Start #3

My post is a bit late today, but I didn't forget! Although I think it is tomorrow for Rachel. :) Make sure to check her post for her start and Faith's as well. 

I didn't get time to post about this last week, but I did manage to finish the 2nd ornament as well:
Moonrise ornament #2 by Whispered by the Wind
stitched 2 over 2 on 14ct Illusion by Silkweavers
with DMC as charted and C3799 Etoile on the fence 
and Rainbow gallery blending filament with 168 on the moon

I think I forgot to use Blanc etoile on the rest of the moon this time, but it was a really busy week, so I'm not letting myself get annoyed about it. 

I think I did the same thing with ornament 3 as well, and got a great start on it!

This will eventually look like the second one in the following photo:

Moonrise ornament #3 by Whispered by the Wind
stitched 2 over 2 on 14ct Illusion aida by Silkweavers
with DMC as charted besides RG blending filament with DMC 168 for the moon

I've been enjoying this one and fortunately don't mind back stitch because there's a lot of it in this one. I was thinking after I finished that maybe I should have used Etoile for the roofs, but I did not think of it at the time. I'm okay with how it looks. 

Only one more weekend to go! I hope you've been having fun if you've joined in in some way. 

Stay well and Happy Stitching!


Monday, November 15, 2021

Naughty November 2021 Start #2

Hello, hello! Has everyone had a good stitchy weekend? Did anyone else have a new start to join Rachel and I in our stitchnanigans?  I managed to get some progress on the next ornament in the series we're working on, although not quite as much stitching as last weekend. I think if I'd managed 900 stitches I might have even finished this one. There's a lot of separate stitching versus block stitching on this one. 

As a reminder, we're working on these designs from Whispered by the Wind:

This week it's the first one, the cat and the fence and I made it this far:
Moonrise Ornament #2 by WBTW
stitched on 14 ct Illusion Aida by Silkweavers
as charted except DMC C3799 Etoile for the fence

Rachel and I started on different areas for this one, so you can kind of see different areas stitched up. I think another day might finish this one, so if I'm lucky in my tasks today, I'll get it finished. 

I hope you're all staying safe and enjoying some relaxing stitching when you can. 

Happy Stitching!


Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Naughty November 2021 Finish #1

I managed to get another day and a bit to work on the first WBTW Moonrise ornament and have a finish!
Moonrise #1 by Whispered by the Wind
stitched 2 over 2 as charted except the moon
moon was stitched with 2 strands blanc Etoile, 1 strand DMC 168 and 1 strand RG blending filament on 14ct Illusion by Silkweavers

This was a fun little stitch and gives me a couple days to work on something else before starting the second ornament this weekend. 

I hope you're all having an enjoyable week and staying well. Happy Stitching!


Monday, November 8, 2021

Naughty November 2021 Start #1

It's November! That means time for a few more new starts before the holiday stitching kicks in, or the race to finish WIPs by the end of the year. However you stitch, if you're interested in joining Rachel's and my insanity, she's got a link-up widget on her blog. Her first post is up as well, so you can see her great new start. 

We did discuss what we were thinking of starting and we had 1 of the same patterns for March next year. It turns out I was able to get Moonrise before the start of November, so we're working on the same project for Naughty November. We even managed to both work on the same one this weekend. :) 

The four small projects will eventually look like this:

Interestingly, the first pattern in the packet is the 3rd one in the above photo. Here's my start:
Moonrise #1 by Whispered by the Wind
stitched 2 over 1 on 14ct Illusion by Silkweavers
with DMC as charted and Etoile for the moon

Rachel got me interested in stitching both this set, Moonrise, and the other set, Moonset, which I already had. And 2 days of stitching, which was about 900 stitches, is almost a finish. One more day might do it since it's just the moon, filling in the gravestone, backstitching the crows and a little bit more of the upper branch. 

I hope if you decide to join in or not, you've had a good stitching weekend!

Stay well and happy stitching,


Saturday, October 30, 2021

Halloween Trick or Treat Blog Hop 2021

Hello, hello! It's that spooky time of year again to spell out a fun phrase from our frightful host, Jo! Head over to her blog to start at the beginning. 

Your creepy letter is:


In case that's not clear, it's "I" :)

And for my Halloween stitching, I have another finish!!

Spooky Halloween by Lakeside Needlecraft and Durene Jones (2017 SAL)
stitched 2 over 2 and 1 over 2 on 28ct Icarus by Chromatic Alchemy
with DMC 310, Kreinik GITD threads and Jodyri Purple Planets

So happy to get this one finished! It's a big finish and I'm so happy to finally get this SAL complete. 

For your next letter, please follow along to the next blog, Count It All Joy!

Happy Stitching and Happy Halloween!

Stay safe,


Monday, October 18, 2021

Fully Finished Gallery - October (wait, what?)

That's right, I've actually managed to fully finish something this year! It's a small ornament, but some people are convinced size doesn't matter, so here it is in all its glory!
Noel by Kincavel Krosses
stitched 1 over 1 on 18ct scrap aida (Chromatic Alchemy Cirrus maybe?)
with stash threads

I backed it with red felt and a simple ribbon with a little triangle stitch to hold it in place on top. It's a different finish for me since I haven't attempted a shaped one like this before. Definitely more to it than a simple square/rectangle shape, but I'm fairly happy with it. 

I can't remember if I had described my plan on here, but I adjusted my hours so I work Tuesday through Saturday. That means I have Mondays sort of to myself after DD goes to school. Which means I actually have time to do things I'd like to get done, like fully finishing stitched pieces. My drawer of finishes is pretty full, so having some time to myself to work on them is kind of amazing. 

Of course a lot of Mondays have been full of running around, but at least I managed one finish so far. I hope you've all been staying well!

Happy Stitching,


Sunday, October 17, 2021

Witch's Gate Update

Thank you for all your lovely comments! I always appreciate them. I am so happy to be done In The Gloaming, it was a very enjoyable stitch despite the initial frogging to get the colours just right. I love the finish and will be looking for a frame soon. 

When we last saw Witch's Gate, it was not very far along:

and will eventually look like this:

The chart is separated into 4 pages and I thought I might try and finish one full page, but I ended up skipping around a little instead. I didn't have a designated stitch count on this one. Instead, I realized I had just a few thread lengths of the C3799 left in Etoile for the gate, so I could finish up the skein and call that a good place to stop. That meant I worked across the top all the way to the other side of the gate, and a little bit into page 4 on the bottom right. This is where it is now:
Witch's Gate by Whispered by the Wind
stitched 2 over 2 on 28ct Mirage by PTP
with DMC 167, 738, 3823 and 3866 as changes to the original colours

I'm happy with this progress so far. The bats in the gate will be normal 3799, like the gargoyles. The gate gets the extra pizzazz though. I think the amount of stitching definitely makes a page, so we could call this at least 1/4 complete. I doubt it will come out again this month or the rest of the year though. 

Next up I'm hoping for another finish with this 2017 SAL by Lakeside Needlecraft, designed by Durene Jones:

If you note the date on top, I think if I finish it this year I won't have to frog the skull I've already stitched in. Here's where it looks now:
Spooky Halloween by Lakeside Needlecraft and Durene Jones
stitched 2 over 2 on 28ct Icarus by Chromatic Alchemy
with DMC 310, Purple Planets by Jodyri and various GITD Kreinik

The far right is the end of the piece and the missing area above is all part 6. I had finished part 5 the last time this one came out and worked some of the border. Now it's just part 6 and the rest of the border to finish the black. It's mostly filling in after that, and part 1 and 2 might have been completed already, so a finish definitely looks possible. 

I hope you've all been staying well and enjoying your stitching.

Happy Stitching!


Thursday, October 14, 2021

And it's Done!

 Yay! I'm so happy to report I managed a finish on In the Gloaming! Despite the trials and tribulations with getting the colour scheme correct to begin with, see here, I've been happy with how this has turned out so far and I'm very excited about the finish. I loved Rachel's idea of etoile for the gate, and it looks amazing. Without further ado:
In the Gloaming by Whispered by the Wind
stitched 2 over 1 on 28ct Mirage by PTP
with DMC 167, 738, 3823 and 3866 as changes to the original colours

I definitely feel like this needs to be a framed finish, and I don't think the dimensions are the same as Witch's Gate, so it will likely have to framed on its own. Likely in black to make it more dramatic I think. If you have any suggestions, please let me know! 

Such a relief to have this one finished. I've added so many WIPs this year that I'm glad to have this medium to large sized one completed. I need to catch up on everyone's blogging again and hope you've all been doing well with your stitching too. 

Happy Stitching!


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Dark October Plans

Hello again! Although we're well into October, I'm going to let you in on what my plans are/were for the month. I plan to do a Dark October and work on Halloween or black stitching as much as possible. My first priority is to finish In the Gloaming! Here's where it was when we last saw it:

And I'd like to try and progress on Witch's Gate:

There's so much left here that I don't think a finish is possible, but I'd like to get maybe at least one page out of 4 completed. 

And I'd really love to finish this one!

This is the Happy Halloween SAL by Durene Jones that was put out by Lakeside Needlecraft way back in 2017! I would like to finish it this October so I can have it off by WIP and SAL list. 

The other project I'll try and sneak in is the new Witchy Stitcher Cryptid SAL. Have you all seen this one? Lots of black, so it fits for that part as well, but the theme is a bit spooky too. So far the cryptids are all North American, and there's some hope that the Loch Ness Monster will be one of the creatures. If so, I might have to call it Champ after our local lake monster. Supposedly Champ was seen by Jacques Cartier when he first explored the area, so he is technically older than Nessie. :) 

I hope you have all been having a good month!


Monday, October 11, 2021

September Round-Up (Yes, a little bit late!)

Hello, hello! I'm a little late, as usual, getting up the end of the month round-up. Finally I seem to have time today, on Canadian Thanksgiving.

To recap the start of September, I was finishing off the dragons that Rachel and I started for the Paralympics Stitching Challenge. I think we'll try and pick those up again for the Winter 2022 Paralympics and see if we can get them finished. 

I was debating on what to do for the rest of the month and ended up starting something new for my birthday, which is this Anne Stokes beauty charted by Paine Free Creations

And I kept with it until I finished an entire page:
Trick or Treat by Anne Stokes charted by Paine Free Creations
stitched on 25ct easy count 2 over 1 tent stitch with charted threads

I was debating about what to do next and thought I'd pull out a smallish WIP I'd started earlier this year to finish. I started this one on May 24 for Stitch Maynia:
and managed to finish it:
Spring Snapperland by Bent Creek
stitched 2 over 2 on 28ct evenweave scrap
with random stash threads

I hope to finish this up into a little ornament for my parents to sort of represent their granddaughter. 

After having a page finish on full coverage and a small WIP finish, I thought I'd try attempting another page finish on a different full coverage project. I pulled out Motherhood by Selena Fenech, even though the page was nowhere near to completion. 
I didn't have time to finish the page before the end of September, but I did progress well:
Motherhood by Selena Fenech charted by HAED
stitched 1 over 1 full cross on 28ct Unicorn Farts by Chromatic Alchemy
with charted DMC

I'm really looking forward to seeing how this will turn out on this fabric. Thank goodness for Pattern Keeper to get these projects moving along. 

I finished off September here and will be planning a Dark October, so will post about that soon!

Happy Stitching!


Wednesday, September 8, 2021

2021 Tokyo Paralympics Wrap-Up

Finally I'm back after a rough weekend. I had a lot of hopes for that 3 days off, but spent most of it with a severe migraine, so didn't really enjoy it as much as I had hoped. I did spend the last few days finishing off the dragons, so I have some photos to show, and the whole piece all together. 

The closing ceremonies of the Paralympics were pretty amazing to see and it was nice to see so many athletes together. I hope everyone interested had a chance to watch some of it. 

Here are my dragons!
Drake #1 by StitchItPicasso
stitched 1 over 1 on 20ct Fairyland Aida by Silkweaver
with Fright Night by Jodyri

I love this thread! I can't wait to get back to this dragon!

Drake #6 by StitchItPicasso
stitched 1 over 1 on 20ct Fairyland opalescent aida by Silkweaver
with Copacabana by Jodyri

I thought this one had some nice bright fall colours and DD chose it as her favourite of the bunch, so I used it in November since that's one of her favourite months. 

Drake #3 by StitchItPicasso
stitched 1 over 1 on 20ct Fairyland opalescent aida by Silkweaver
with Poisoned Apple by Jodyri

I liked the bright Christmas-y tone this thread has, despite the name. And if you'd like to see all 12, here they are on one piece of fabric:

I suppose it could always be made into something instead of individual dragons? We'll see when I get them finished. It's not a difficult stitch and using one thread colour per dragon definitely helps keep it interesting. 

I hope you all had a better weekend than I did and have been having successful weeks. 

Happy Stitching!


February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...