Friday, October 13, 2017

Busy Week!

I hope you've all had a good week! Apparently last week was an aberration and not the start of a new more frequent posting trend. :) However, I will continue to try and get at least one post up a week. 

There has been a fair bit of stitching over the weekend and the start of the week, although it's been busy these last couple nights. Here's a rundown of where I'm at so far. 

Part 2 of the Lakeside Needlecraft Specialty Stitches SAL
stitched with one thread on 28 count Realgar with Rainbow threads by Chromatic Alchemy

Part 3 of the SAL came out today and I hope to have some time to work on it Sunday. I don't think I'll have any time tomorrow, but maybe at the end of the day. 

October by Palko-lap
 stitched 2 over 1 on 14 ct? mystery grey fabric by Chromatic Alchemy with a Halloween thread by Jodyri I think. It was a special edition I purchased from Mrs. Milkybar Kid. :)

I even managed to mail this one early, so it should arrive well before the month is over for a change. :)

Fishing went from here:
to here:

I will likely be seeing my uncle again next month, so it would be good to finish this before then!

Dragon in a circle was here in 2015?
and for now I finished off the dangling thread. I believe it's Waterlilies Holiday, so I only have to locate my skein again to finish this one. 

And a new start that may or may not be a gift for my Grandma this year for her birthday or Christmas:

I thought this looked kind of like a little window and since she's in a nursing home now, it might be a nice view to see on the wall. 

I hope you've all had good weeks and I must go catch up on everyone's blogs again!

Happy Stitching!



  1. Your Lakeside SAL is soooo pretty,good progress too.I like the design you have chosen for your grandma,the golds and browns with the red look gorgeous.

  2. Wonderful progress on all of your wonderful projects Tiffany. Love your new start.


  3. There is everything in this post - a finish and it looks so lovely with the Halloween colours - lots of progress on the SAL piece and on the gift for your uncle - and a new start, a wonderful gift for your grandma.

  4. Lakeside SAL is looking fabulous.

  5. Love seeing pictures of the new Lakeside SAL. The colour you chose is gorgeous! Great to see progress on your other WIPs as well ;o)

  6. Lovely progress :) I adore the Lakeside SAL and I'm sure I will stitch it some day. You also made great progress on Fishing, and a great new start I think your grandma would love. Fancy colours on the October card!

    1. Thank you! It is a really fun SAL so far and I'm enjoying the stitches.

  7. Tiffany: I have to comment about the gift for your Grandmother first, what a lovely idea, it would be adorable for her to see on her wall, sometimes care centers do not have good views out their windows.
    Your SAL is coming along, interesting thread color.
    I am sure your Uncle will like the fishing design.


  8. Gorgeous rainbow work on the Speciality Sampler. I don't recall Dragon in a Circle? Do you have a picture of the full design?

  9. You have such a good eye for colour when you chose your own threads. Lovely idea for your grandma too.

  10. Wow so many beautiful projects. I'm glad I'm catching up finally to see what you've been working on. Great job. I love the Mill Hill. What a great idea. She can have the beautiful beaded view.


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...