Saturday, May 15, 2021

Start Maynia 2021 Start #15

Woah..we're halfway there! Any Bon Jovi fans? My SIL is still a Bon Jovi fan and had tons of his music at their wedding. She danced to a bunch of it, so that was fun. 

I'm back to another stocking today and I remembered to take a photo of the front of the magazine for anyone who might be interested. 

I found this at one of the big box stores, maybe A.C. Moore, and that closed in 2019. It has some fun designs, including these stockings naturally. 

I managed to get a bit farther on #2, and added a little colour:
Stocking ornaments
stitched 2 over 2 on 28ct scrap fabric with DMC 701 and 703 (not as charted)

The colours charted for these are red, pink and blue. I changed out the red for green and I think this matches the colour palette for the blue and pink ones as well. This was about 400 stitches I think, and let's say it all together now! "With another day or two I can finish these" :)

I'm looking forward to starting the 3rd one tomorrow and seeing if I can get more colour in it as well. Or maybe I'll concentrate on this one a bit longer and see if I can finish it off. I'm really enjoying this pattern for some reason. I don't know if you can tell, but the large pattern on the stocking "foot" is going to be a big star. 

Hope you're all staying healthy and Happy Stitching!



  1. Hahaha, your post made me laugh out loud! Hope you can find those days to finish everything before next challenge start, haha:D
    Over here I'm thinking more like 'with another decade or two I can finish these':DD Take care <3

    1. That's a much more realistic estimate. :) Thank you and stay well!

  2. Great design, I think we're all optimistic stitchers who always think there are more stitching hours than reality hee hee

  3. Hi Tiff: I love the color green, I still have all the Holiday magazines from way back its fun to pick out something to stitch.
    You have made great progress.


  4. I like a bit of Bon Jovi, I saw them supporting Kiss back in 1984 just after they released Runaway. Still got the tshirt somewhere!
    Also, nice stocking!

    1. Nice! You saw all the greats. :) Thank you.

  5. Guess that answers my question about the other stockings! This one looks great, love the colour decision.


Thanks for any comments!

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