Thursday, May 6, 2021

Stitch Maynia 2021 Start #6

Hello again! When I pulled all the projects for this month, I thought I noticed a theme, but I realized you can't really tell from the first few projects I chose. This one and the next few might start to give it away. 

I chose a lot of projects that were printed out from designs that were available online. I've stitched a lot from this designer, Kincavel Krosses. This is her Christmas Assisi sampler and just click on the link to get to the pattern. 

Here's my start:

Christmas Assisi Sampler by Kincavel Krosses
stitched 1 over 1 with Crescent Colors Bejeweled
on 22ct white hardanger

I really liked the idea of how the variegated thread would work for this one, but every time I use CC I remember why I don't like them as much as most other variegated threads. I find these ones knot on me a lot more than others. No idea why. It's potentially worse with a single strand than double and I'm using a single strand for this one. 

This is another one I'd like to get in a few more thread lengths before the end of the month and try for a finish, but I don't know if that will happen if I keep adding projects onto that list! This is 2 in a row already. 

I hope you've been having a good day, stay well and happy stitching!



  1. Great start! And thanks for the link; I found another pattern on her site that I might use in the future. Look forward to seeing your next start:D

    1. I like a lot of hers, I've stitched several and plan to stitch a few more for the Tokyo spree. :) Thank you and you're welcome!

  2. Tiff: This is a lovely border.
    I am looking forward to seeing it finished.


  3. That's a pretty good start, getting most of the border is always an achievement.

    1. Thank you, and definitely when it matches up there's a big sense of relief. :)

  4. Another one that will be very pretty I'm sure!


Thanks for any comments!

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