Monday, May 10, 2021

Stitch Maynia 2021 Start #10

Hello again! Jo guessed my theme was "seasonal" and she's right. I decided to go through some old binders where I had printed out some seasonal designs from the "old days" of the internet and get them stitched up. However, just as she guessed, I derailed that theme today. It was not a good day at work yesterday. There were several issues, but one of the main ones was we got a call that one of my long-time patients had died suddenly. On Mother's Day in the USA. She had children and grandchildren and was only in her 60s. It was such a shock. I'd seen her and her family almost since I started practicing, so maybe 16 years or longer. I was a bit of a wreck emotionally after that, although I managed to pull it mostly together when I was home for Mother's Day celebrations. 

I wasn't even feeling much like stitching last night, but decided instead of the regularly scheduled seasonal start, I'd pull out one I'd been thinking of starting for a while. 

This is Kathleen and Summer by Hannah Lynn charted by HAED. I'm going to stitch on blue to hopefully not have to stitch all the background. Here's my start:

Kathleen and Summer by Hannah Lynn charted by HAED
stitched 2 over 1 tent stitch as charted on 28ct opal linen by BeStitchme (unnamed colour)

I know, another giant start, but it felt like starting was worthwhile, even if it never gets finished. Hopefully it will at some point though. Once I get farther down I could try the outlining that some people do in 310 for her charts. 

I hope you're all well today. I'm fighting a migraine which might be sinus/allergy induced, so just from being overwrought yesterday. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. 

Happy Stitching!



  1. So sorry about your bad news <3. Hearing about such things really reminds us to live in the moment and do what makes us happy. So well done for starting a new large project:D I was actually eying some of my larger LOTR-charts from Country Magic Stitch today and thinking I should make a start on them. Who cares if we finish them or not, right?! Take care <3

    1. Exactly. As long as you're enjoying the journey. Thank you. <3

  2. Hey I'm finally caught up with your blog. So sorry to hear about the shocking loss. What a beautiful start though. Love all your starts. They all look great.

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss, it's always difficult when it's a sudden death and there's no time to say goodbye.
    I do like the new start, and Summer is a season so it totally fits the theme.

  4. What a beautiful start!
    Sorry to hear about your loss, it is always diffucult to handle when death comes suddenly

  5. So sorry to hear about your loss, I hope you're feeling better. Such a nice start though, very pretty, on this fabric especially!

    1. Thank you. Time from the day helps, but it's still such a shock to know she won't be coming back. <3

  6. After seeing lots of small Maynia starts so far, this one really took me by surprise. Not exactly one you can start and finish in a day!!! Still very pretty though. :)


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

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