Monday, May 3, 2021

Stitch Maynia 2021 Start #3

Today isn't a work day, so I'm able to get up a post once the home school day is complete. It's been a pretty easy year for us with DD, she's in early grades yet and knows her math and can read 200 page books already, so we're not too worried about her being behind if she goes back to school next fall. She would like to since she misses seeing other friends. :)  I'm sure it's nothing to do with being sick of our company for the last year!

I managed to finish off another flower last night from the same series. 

Flower design by unknown designer
stitched 1 over 1 with Jodyri thread Greed
on 22 ct white hardanger

I forgot to label this thread, so I'm not 100% sure, but I think I used it for one of my owls a few years ago. I'll try and look back to see if I can find where I used it. It has a nice fall look, so I might send it to my SIL if I manage to get it made into a card in time. 

And that's another night finished. I liked the look of this one with all the backstitch and how the colours came together. I had debated on doubling the thread for the cross stitches, but I think the thinner look is nice on this one. 

See you tomorrow for the last one in this series!

Happy Stitching and stay well,



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I did find the info, it's called Greed and is by Jodyri Designs

  2. Another lovely quick finish. These will make nice cards.

    1. Thank you, and yes, I just have to work on that darned FFO part. ;)

  3. This starting and finishing right away is going great for you! Love it.

    1. It's nice, though I knew it wouldn't last. :)


Thanks for any comments!

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