Saturday, May 8, 2021

Stitch Maynia 2021 Start #8

 Hello all and I hope you're enjoying your Saturday. I realized as I was going over the photos for today that it may be impossible to tell my theme since I haven't finished anything recently. Perhaps by the titles of the charts? Anyway, here's today's start:

Irish at Heart by Jennifer Akon? (have to check spelling)
stitched 1 over 1 with WDW Okefenokee and Waterlilies Plum
on 16 or 18ct light blue Aida

There are called for colours in this one, but I've decided to keep going with the variegated stash and use up some more of that. The bit at the bottom will be a ribbon that is wrapped around some shamrocks. 

This was a fun one, just not a lot of stitching time in the evenings I work. This was one of them, and I managed to get about 400 stitches in, which is a pretty reasonable amount. Definitely no time to add any threads to any of the other new WIPs yet. I hope that might happen when I'm off on Monday and Tuesday, but that might depend on if I can put down the new starts I decide on for those days. 

I hope you all have a nice weekend and Happy Mother's Day to those in the US and Canada!

Happy Stitching,



  1. Well, the theme isn't Christmas! Maybe "seasonal"?

    1. Yes, exactly right. I have so many seasonal smalls, card size or ornaments that I thought this was a good way to get a lot of them started. :)

  2. So I'm thinking of an Irish theme maybe? I'm definitely have a Cheryl McKinnon/Tiny Modernist theme on my projects right now, haha! Look forward to seeing what you'll have time to stitch in the next few days:D

    1. that's part of the theme, Jo was right, it's "seasonal" and I'm trying to work on different seasonal charts I've had in my stash for ages. I"ll have to go check your page out again!

  3. Not much to see yet, but I'm looking forwards to thus seeing some progress!

    1. This one I haven't got back to yet, I think I'll aim for finishing up some of the smaller ones first.


Thanks for any comments!

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