Friday, January 16, 2015

CJC Day 16 - Ladyfee 2014 Xmas SAL

I started this SAL hosted by Ladyfee last year, but I didn't progress as fast as I would have liked. It started in April 2014 and I did well for a while, but after we lost Otto I lost my stitchy bug for several months. I did eventually finish part 1 and received the rest of the SAL, so I hope to finish it for Xmas this year. It's a nice simple stitch and I love seeing the photos of everyone's finishes. You can see them in the gallery on Ladyfee's site. 

This was part 1:

And I managed a little more. I won't necessarily be adding the vertical lines you'll see on other people's finishes. I'm stitching on Anne Cloth and the extra lines will look a little funny. I liked the thought of stitching this on Anne Cloth though, so I will persevere. :)

I extended the white at the bottom and added the other reindeer in case you can't tell what's new. It's hard to see the white especially. 

I'm still debating whether I'll complete the border at the left. I only stitched a few rows for now, but I may complete it, and that may be something that happens only after I finish the entire row. 

Happy Stitching,


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January Update

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