Friday, February 19, 2016

DUCJFC 2016 - February 19 - See Ya Later Alligator

Another new start, and another new start, another start bites the dust... 
WIPs! Gonna bury you! Another start bites the dust!

See Ya Later Alligator by Jodryi Designs

I loved seeing this stitched up over at Obsessive CrossStitcher last year, so I purchased it when I needed a few extra skeins of Jodyri threads for another project. 

Here's my start:

I'm using the charted DMC for the moon and WDW Confetti for the writing stitching 2 over 2 on 28 count. I'm not sure about it though since the yellow seems to fade into the green of Nuriel's Forest fabric. I might have to frog that section and choose something else. Frustrating, but better now than at the end.

I plan on turning this into a growth chart for DD. I think it's just the right size to work well for her. 

Also, I had purchased some Aida from Just Needlin' during their Super Bowl sale and that arrived a few days ago. I finally organized it and I can show you what else fell into my cart. :)

A great LK, an AAN, some Glissen Gloss blending filament, a nice hand-dyed piece of linen as well as 2 long pieces of Aida. I had intended the Aida to be choices for See Ya Later Alligator, but we found the Nuriel's Forest was long enough, so we went with that. It's gorgeous, so of course we did!

Thank you for all the encouragement about starting the HaED yesterday. I will need it in the months to come. :)

Happy Stitching!



  1. I love your new start Tiffany. That fabric is gorgeous.


  2. Oh, I love today's start, fabric and threads. I didn't realise there was any more rhyme after the alligator. It will definitely work as a growth chart too. An all-round perfect stitch! :)

  3. The new start is very sweet!! :) And the fabric is lovely too.

  4. Great choice for a growth chart and another lovely start. You are stopping at the end of February, right? The way you're going I'm beginning to have visions (nightmares??) of 366 new starts! LOL

  5. A lovely start & perfect for your growth chart finish idea! What sweet fabric you've chosen again :)

  6. Great new start. What a fun piece! Great stash haul too!


Thanks for any comments!

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