Monday, February 15, 2016

Gifted Gorgeousness - February

Time for another round-up of Gifted Gorgeousness this month. I'm still deep in the January/February Challenge dedicated to SoCal Debbie, so there's a lot of photos again. I won't repost anything from my January GG post, but if you want to review, here's the link

Also, don't forget to check out everyone else's posts over at Jo's blog, Serendipitous Stitching

Since then I've worked on: 

Kiss for a Snowman (for DD)
Rejoice Tree (Grandma)
Spider Banner (DD)
Land of the Dinosaurs (DD)
Tribal Dragon (DD)
Twilight LeMans(DH)
Samus sprites - FINISHED (DH)

Round in Circles January (Grandma) FINISHED!
Sleigh Ride Stocking(DD)

There are others that might turn into gifts but as I haven't decided their recipients and this is picture heavy enough, I think this will do for now!

Next month I'll only have a couple weeks of stitching and maybe even a few more finishes since the challenge will be done. 

Thanks for visiting and Happy Stitching! 

Also, don't forget today is the Stitchery Link-Up Party. Head on over and check out everyone's stitching. 



  1. So many wonderful projects! I particularly love the snowman, the spider banner and the stocking. Beautiful work!

  2. Thanks for taking part in GG this month. I love the Spider Banner in those colours and the Rejoice is also rather sumptuous!

  3. Your projects are all interesting - and so many of them! Well done.

  4. Wow! You're stitching so many gifts. I look forward to seeing more of them in the months to come. :)

  5. Beautiful stitching on lots of projects this past month Tiffany.


  6. So many project started! I just finished an M Design name tree they are wonderful designs.

  7. Wow, you are working on so many projects do you keep track of them ..haha
    Thank you for visiting my blog. I have visited your blog many a times ,however never left a comment. I don't know why..may be I was shy..oh it rhymed

  8. So many great projects! They're all looking fabulous!

  9. What a lot of Gifted Gorgeousness going on! Your family are going to be overwhelmed with lovely stitching.

  10. Lots of interesting projects on the go Tiffany, love the round in circles design, so pretty.

  11. Well you are certainly busy with your needles! Your family is sure going to be spoilt with such lovely stitching.

  12. Oh wow! What amazing progress you have made on your GG stitching! I love the spider banner - gorgeous colours!
    Hugs xx


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...