Friday, January 15, 2016

Gifted Gorgeousness - January

This is my first year of GG, hosted by Jo of Serendipitous Stitching. I enjoyed looking over everyone's posts last year, so I thought I'd give it a try this year. 

I have too many WIPs to name, but I'll list off some of the GG I'm working on so far this year. 

We have Letters from Nora S, H and G for my DD:
on 28 count Nuriel's Forest from Chromatic Alchemy with charted CC

Princess and the Dragon also for DD on 28 count Amaranthine fabric I won from Chromatic Alchemy, so kind of a gift?

A double GG with a RAK fabric and stitching it for DH is Yesterday by Jodyri designs on Eye of Newt by Chromatic Alchemy

And monochrome Link for DH:

As well as Autumn Elegance redone in Xmas colours for a co-worker:

Here Comes Treble for my MIL:

Somebunny to Love for DD from a magazine gifted by Kate:

And a finished gift for a friend:

That was pretty picture-heavy, so kudos if you got through it! Clearly I like to stitch for others. :) 

Happy Stitching, 



  1. Great post!! Lots of beautiful things to share.

  2. Looks like you have been busy. So many beautiful fabrics!

  3. Goodness, about time you joined GG, such lovely work, welcome to our merry band!

  4. What a lot of gift stitching! It's nice to stitch for others when our stitching is appreciated.

  5. Thanks for taking part in GG this month. I've just finished my Tiff Stitch marathon and caught up with all your recent posts.
    You have chosen some lovely designs. The letters are my favourites and I also also the musical design and the Canadian Mandala.

  6. Great post and so many lovely works for friends and family. 2016 will be busy, see you soon. xxx

  7. Lovely projects to be working on :)


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...