Tuesday, January 26, 2016

DUCJFC 2016 - January 26 - Comic Character

I left the title deliberately vague on this one so you can have a chance to guess who I'm stitching. A few years ago I agreed to "stunt stitch" (stitch for someone else) these and I'm woefully behind. I thought getting these all started might help me get in a more "accomplishing goals" state of mind as well. 

I had started this one previously and had maybe 10 rows stitched. I forgot to take a photo before I started though, so this is where I ended up tonight:

This is a fairly well-known comic character, although the shirt is a different colour than expected. 

I hope to continue on tomorrow and maybe get a finish as well as start the next one. 

Thank you as always for all your support and good luck guessing!

Happy Stitching,



  1. Instantly recognisable! I've never heard of stunt stitching - what a great phrase.

  2. It's Charlie Brown. Looks great Tiffany.


  3. I have an idea but I am not sure about this character. Stunt stitching is new term. If I ever do HAED, then I will start calling it a stitching stunt :D

  4. Nope, never heard of Stunt Stitching either! The character is definitely Charlie Brown, although I couldn't tell you what colour his shirt would normally be! :)

  5. Stunt stitching is a new one to me too ... as the others have said, it's got to be Charlie Brown, I would know that head anywhere!

  6. Well I've learnt something new today :) Stunt stitch!
    I have recognised your little Peanuts character! This is the first time I have seen one stitch.

  7. We love Peanuts in this house so I knew it right away. Good luck with them!!

  8. I knew straight away it was Charlie Brown, great project!

  9. I have a dear friend that collects this popular character. Lovely stitching!

  10. Never heard it called stunt stitching before, but works for me.


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...