Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Top 10 Tuesdays: Top 10 Expressions You Love to Use

Top 10 Tuesday time again! Make sure you check Keeb's and Kate's blogs out for their lists. I'm a little late getting mine up, sorry about that. 


This is another one I should have had DH's help on since he could probably name off 10 right away. I'm having trouble thinking of 10!!

1. Dude

I will admit to using this a lot in the past, although less so now. 

2. 1 or 2

It's a work thing and I do like my work. :)

3. See how it goes/let me know how it goes

I think I saw this to almost everyone I see. 

4. What are you doing?

Since DD parrots this back as "What in ya doing?" I realize I must say it a lot. 

5. I love you/ Je t'aime

to DD a ton and to DH in DD's hearing

6. Silly Max

re the cat, and this gets parroted as well, but I have just cause:

7. Jesum Crow

I don't actually use this, but it's a common Vermontism. DH adopted it. 

8. That's not too bad

Again, a Vermontism that covers anything from a stubbed toe to compound fractures

9. Retro

Some of my work involves looking at fashion and talking about retro this and that, so it comes up frequently

10. Happy Stitching!

this may be a cheat, but I do love signing off my posts this way

I hope you enjoyed the list and.....

Happy Stitching!



  1. Great list! I think there was a time when dude was like every third word out of mouth (the second apparently was "like").

  2. Nice list Tiffany. I use Dude all the time.


  3. I enjoyed reading your list. Do you work in fashion industry?

  4. Good list! Probably the only one I say is Happy Stitching because that's how I sign off my emails.

  5. Interesting list. I've heard a lot of these, used a few myself.


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...