Saturday, January 2, 2016

DUCJFC 2016 - January 2 - Letters From Nora - H

Hello again and thank you for all your nice comments yesterday! 

Everyone please cross their fingers that I counted correctly because I'm stitching the letters S,H,G all on one big piece of fabric. Yesterday I tried to stitch towards the right edge of the design so that all I would have to do was count over the 2.5 inch gap I plan to leave in between the letters and then count to the middle of the H. 

Here's my start:

Again, this is on 28 count Jazlyn Nuriel's Forest from Chromatic Alchemy with the charted threads. 

I realized that I forgot to post a photo of what these will look like when complete when I posted "S" yesterday, so here's what yesterday's and today's will look like when finished:
images from

As you can see from my stitched area, I again aimed for the right edge and almost got there, so hopefully that will make me accurate on my start for tomorrow's letter G. 

I hope all is going well with everyone so far! 

Happy Stitching,



  1. Great Tiffany. Those letters are so pretty.


  2. I agree with Linda, those are really pretty letters!

  3. I'm glad you showed how they will look once completed. They really are gorgeous. I shall keep my fingers crossed that you have counted correctly! :)

  4. Stunning charts. I have my fingers and toes crossed that you get the counting correct.

  5. Beautiful starts! Those charts are gorgeous, and that fabric is lovely. Keeping my fingers crossed for you and your counting:)

  6. Lovely starts!!:) beautiful letters!!

  7. They are really pretty! I'm going to love watching these grow.

    1. Thank you! I hope to keep this as the main project for now.

  8. I always worry when I cut my own fabric. I'll cross my stitches since crossing my fingers would slow my stitching down. Beautiful pieces. Fantastic work!

  9. Looking forward to seeing them complete. They look so elegant...

  10. These are so pretty! Fingers crossed for the counting.

  11. Thanks for the pictures of the finished letters. Hope the counting is right.


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...