Sunday, January 31, 2016

DUCJFC 2016 - January 31 - WW Tribal Dragon WIP

Thank you for all your fun comments and guesses on the Peanuts characters! They're fun to work on except for the fractionals on Aida. I took a break today from new starts and went back to a WIP from early 2014. That's not too bad for me. I've got quite a few that are much older. 

The final piece will look something like this:

This was my long-distance travel project last year and I managed a decent amount of progress last year from here in January 2015:

to here in November 2015 (the last time I worked on it):

I had 2 stitching sessions today on a day off instead of my usual one, so I managed a lot of progress!

I'm excited to see the start of his tail and it was really nice to fill in that gap in his wings. I might start on the chest and underbelly now and I hope to add a little blending filament to the thread I'm using for that to give it a little sparkle. I think dragons need a little bit, as you know from my dragonlets. ;) 

Happy Stitching!



  1. I like stitching things which have blocks of colour! It's nice to see you using your own interpretation instead of variegated thread. I've got a couple of tribal patterns coming up in May and will be doing a similar thing to you. :)

  2. You made a good progress on your WIP!! I like the color substitution you have done, looks interesting compared to the black one in the original.

  3. Awesome progress Tiffany. I love the colors your using.


  4. Another thumbs up for your color scheme! It looks great.

  5. Great progress, doesn't your colourful version looks so impressive.

  6. I love this one, it looks fantastic!

  7. I just love the colors you picked out. Great job! Great progress!!

  8. I am still amazed when you swap out colors! I would be TERRIFIED!

  9. Excellent progress and great colour choices.


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...