Wednesday, February 3, 2016

DUCJFC 2016 - February 3 - Dragon Dreams Dragonlets of 2012 Day 4

I'm finally on to Day 4 of the dragonlets. Day 3 continues to bog me down although I've managed to progress to almost finishing all of the stitching:

But I did get onto Day 4:

I think I've figured out part of what was getting me down about the challenge. 12 proposed new starts, even though small, were starting to weigh on my mind. 

So I'm going to stick to only planning to start 6 of these and spend my "starts" in February on the new owls for the KLT charting SAL and maybe the Jodyri See Ya Later Alligator chart too if I have some fabric long enough. I thought that could maybe be a growth chart for DD. 

Thank you again for all of your advice on making sure this stays fun!

Happy Stitching, 



  1. I can see why the dragons are bogging you own a little ith all those colour changes! But you're nearly there with 3. Let's hope the others aren't as bad! :)

  2. Nice progress and start Tiffany. Keep it fun. Done get bogged down.


  3. Good progress and a nice start!! Enjoy stitching what you want to, don't get stressed.

  4. Stitching if fun, do whatever you want to make it happy :)

  5. Happy stitching!
    Your little dragons do look a little fiddly, but so effective when backstitched

  6. Even watching that challenge makes me nervous, so my advice would be useless, but I do enjoy seeing your progress!

  7. You are doing so well on your challenge Tiffany! I would never have the courage to even attempt it, my nerves would be shredded by the end lol!

  8. Love these little dragons. So adorable. Glad you have figured how to keep it fun. I'll have fun cheering you along whatever you work on.

  9. You're coming along just fine with both of them. Loving your choices.


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...