Sunday, July 26, 2015

Stitching Sunday - To Frog or Not to Frog

I was doing really well on Midnight Manor until I realized I was off half a stitch on everything on the left side, except the Jack O'Lantern since that was based off of the Manor itself. 

I was frustrated with myself since I thought I'd been careful with the moon and how the branch lined up. But I got to the Jack O'Lantern and it was floating one half stitch above the gate. The decision to frog or not to frog didn't take me too long though. I was not up to re-stitching the entire tree and cat and bat. 

I added a line of 2 over 1 under the Jack O'Lantern so the gap wasn't as obvious and continued on. 

I had Friday and Saturday off and I was able to stitch a lot because DD kept playing by herself and I got all my chores done while she was playing. She was in a fantastic mood those 2 days and it was nice to be home with her. DH is still recovering from a weird heat exhaustion/flu type of thing so DD and I spent a lot of time together. 

I also started wearing my reading glasses when I stitched and I think that helped me progress a little faster too. Less squinting and it's easier to read the chart. It made the CFL games on ESPN3 a little blurry, but good enough. 

I hope everyone else had a great weekend, happy stitching!



  1. Smart choice - I know I wouldn't have frogged all that for a fixable mistake. It's looking great - you've gotten in a lot of stitches.

    1. Thanks, and yes, it's coming together well aside from the mistake.

  2. It's looking nice!! I don't bother frogging a mistake that doesn't make any difference if stitched correctly and when it is hardly noticeable seeing from a distance.

    1. Thank you, and good! I'm glad most of us would do the same.

  3. Wow this is a great piece. I wouldn't have frogged it for that either. I think you made a good choice to continued on and adjust a little to compensate.

    1. Thanks, and yes, it's been really fun to see all the motifs come together.

  4. I'm so glad you didn't frog it! I love this piece!
    Yours is looking great, and so close to a finish:)

    1. Thanks! Yes, I'll be happy to have this one finished.

  5. Good choice not to frog! Too much lovely work would be lost. You fixed it so well I wouldn't have known there was a mistake. Glad to hear you had some quality time with your daughter. I hope your hubby feels better soon.

    1. Thank you and he's pretty much 100% at this point. I know I wouldn't have picked this up again if I had to re-stitch all of that.

  6. I'm more of a frogger myself, but considering how much you had already done, you definitely made the right choice. I probably would have wasted more time and just started over (as I have done numerous times), but I've never been known for my common sense.

    I used to use a magnifying light, but I found that reading glasses do work better (especially since I typically work on 28ct).

    1. Yikes, I know I wouldn't have attempted it again if I had to start over. I don't seem to enjoy stitching things over again, plus I love that fabric and don't have any more.

      I finally gridded more of my 32 count 1 over 1 piece with the Frixion pens you recommended and the reading glasses made a big difference.


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

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