Friday, July 31, 2015

YOTA - August Edition and a Confession

Happy YOTA weekend everyone! I hope you've all had time to work on your UFOs. We're hosted by the excellent Pull The Other Thread who just posted a really wonderful wedding WIP. 

I managed a finish on one of my UFOs, The Good Life:


There are lots to go though. The next up will likely be Dog Lessons which is here right now:

I hope to finish this one up in August. I'm a little distracted by Box of Delights right now though and I just finished the 3rd part. 

The last part is being released tomorrow and I'm debating about finishing it since right now it's over halfway complete. The last step was a lot of fun and I'll post some close-up photos in a day or two. 

And now my confession. I have been watching Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries while I've been stitching lately and I love them! I have a TV crush on Inspector Jack Robinson. He seemed sort of stiff and standoffish at first, but now he and Miss Fisher have a great relationship and there's this unresolved tension between them that is delicious! Netflix has the first 2 seasons and I'm about halfway through the second one. Here's a photo of the actor in character:

Nathan Page does a great job acting his character. I find him much more real now than I found his character in Kerry Greenwood's books. And check out the smolder above... <sigh>

Also, Essie Davis is the perfect Phyrne Fisher in my opinion. She completely epitomizes how I imagined the character while I read/listened to the books. The other cast are fantastic as well. It's too bad they had to leave out Mrs. Butler, but Mr. Butler, Bert, Cec, Dot, Hugh, they're all very well acted. 

But we were talking about stitching... so Happy Stitching!



  1. 'The good life' looks amazing :) great job!! Great progress on the other WIPs too.

  2. Wonderful finish!!! Well done. Love both of the other pieces as well.

    1. Thank you, and thanks for hosting a fun, relaxed SAL.

  3. Adorable finish! Your WIPs are coming along nicely as well.

  4. Love the finish! So cute. Have fun with your next WIP. Beautiful progress on Box of Delights. It's always fun to have something good to watch while you stitch.

    1. Thank you. And yes, it helps to watch something good, although if it's too good I don't get much stitching done. :)

  5. Congratulations on another finish! I think you should carry on with BoD too........... :)!

    1. I think I will. I only have parts 5 and 6 to go, so it's over 2/3 done already.

  6. Congrats on the cute finish Tiffany and nice progress on the others.


  7. Terrific finish and I'm really enjoying watching the other 2 projects grow.

    I discovered Miss Fisher this past winter on The Knowledge Network. Love the series - didn't realise there were books. Have to check those out.

    1. Thank you. Yes, the books relate to some of the series, a lot of the first season, but not so much of the second as far as I'm aware. I haven't read all of them (20 or so?) but I really enjoy Kerry Greenwood's other series, Corinna Chapman's stories. The first one, Earthly Delights, was free on Amazon Kindle at one point if you want to try that as well.

  8. Love your puppy finish!
    I love the Miss Fisher shows... so great the everyone else is getting to them now as well...
    Wait til you see the last episode of the recent series - it was on Aus TV a couple of months ago.... can't wait to see if they do another series (last one nearly didn't happen as it costs a small fortune to make) Nathan Page is delicious isn't he? And Essie is just amazing !
    Hugs xx

    1. I hope it keeps going for years! I'm so addicted. I could watch it all over from the start even though it's only the first 2 seasons. I've been searching online for signs of when series 3 will show up here in the US and no luck so far.

  9. Your stitching looks great - and OMG, I love Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. I binged watched them a month ago and I'm so sad there aren't more to watch already!

    1. Yes! I finished season 2 last night and was so bereft... more Nathan Page please!


Thanks for any comments!

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